I wanted to like the film/DVD Motherhood. I really did. All the elements were there — a hassled mum with a seemingly slacker hubby, Uma Thurman AND Minnie Driver. And the main character is a mum blogger. A mum blogger! I should have loved it.
Well, I didn't and neither did the three other mums who watched it with me.
The overriding theme — how much mums give up when they ditch work in order to stay home with the kids — fell flat. It was a bit contrived and not very funny. Even Uma Thurman couldn't save this film. None of us could identify with the main character.
The best scene was in the beginning, when you live through the before school shuffle — in fast forward. Eliza (Uma Thurman), of course, was doing everything, while dad (Anthony Edwards … remember him from ER?) is sitting reading the paper. I could totally relate to that. And there were a couple of other humorous scenes at the play park — a crunchy mum doing crying therapy with her son and the psycho mum that challenges Eliza when she reprimands psycho mum's son for being naughty on the playground. But that's about it.
I was disappointed the film barely touched on the complex world of mum blogging … the most interesting scene being where Eliza shared one of her best friend's (Minnie Driver) most private moments online, and the rift that followed.
I didn't mind the film being slightly over the top (living in two rent controlled rooms in New York's West Village, the parking shuffles, dancing with the delivery man, etc). But I didn't feel like I had enough invested in Eliza's character when she "lost it" — fleeing her daughter's 6th birthday party for the Lincoln Tunnel. I just sat there and thought "am I supposed to feel sorry for you?" It should have been a tearful moment, but oh well.
I'm sooooo glad I didn't see it in the cinema, though I would be happy to watch it on a 10-hour plane ride.
I know most of mumosphere was sent a free review copy of this … so what did you think? Did you like it? Were my expectations too high?
“Motherhood” was supposed to be a film about “me”! - Perfectly Happy Mum | 13th Feb 14
[…] A Modern Mother Rosie Scribble […]
taniamanifold@yahoo.co.uk | 5th Nov 10
I might be the only person in the world who actually quite liked the film. It wasnt the most amazing film in the world and hardly worthy of an oscar but it was easy watching for me. I do wish they had got more into the mothering side of it. Those two kids must have been the best behaved kids lol. No temper tantrums,no wobblys thrown in the local park. Thats more of a reality in my life. They should make a film over here about mummy bloggers and what really goes on. Who would be main actors in it???
babieswhobrunch | 12th Apr 10
the annoying about reading all the bad reviews and the story about it only getting 8 viewers in the cinema on its opening weekend is that i STILL want to watch it… am worried about what that says about me!
Mietwagen Teneriffa | 23rd Mar 10
The funny thing is that it’s not like I am spending less time online, or have the excuse that I have more important things to do — it’s just that I run so many other sites that somewhere along the way Swaymyway.com became low down on my list of online things to do.
I’d promise I am going to revive it, make it a new years resolution to blog at least a few times per week. But I’d be lying to ya 😆
Jennifer Howze | 10th Mar 10
I agree with another commenter here: the whole movie just felt like an attempt to jump on a recent phenomenon and get a bunch of bloggers into cinemas.
The meeting at the studio: “Hey we should do a movie about mommy bloggers – they’re everywhere!”
“Yeah, and let’s get somebody really hot to do it!”
“How about Megan Fox?”
“SHe might be too hot. She hasn’t had kids yet has she?”
“OK how about Uma Thurman? And then lots of stuff can happen to her coping with, you know, motherhood and blogging and stuff.”
“Great idea, Chip! I’ll set up the funding.”
Considering how many funny bloggers there are out there, and the fact that in the men’s genre lately there have been a slew of funny movies (The Hangover, Seth Rogen movies, etc), it’s stupid for this to be so unappealing and patently unfunny.
NB: i haven’t seen it, but it looks about as good as that Jennifer Aniston/Aaron Eckhart movie.
Iota | 9th Mar 10
I haven’t read a good review of this film. Yours is the 3rd, and they’ve all slated it. BUT of course all publicity is good publicity, so even though the reviews have all been bad, I can imagine myself in Blockbusters, not seeing anything that grabs me, and taking this one from the shelves, just because the title is familiar, and I want to see if I agree with you all.
That’s the power of PR, I guess.
A Modern Mother | 9th Mar 10
@expatmum I love the post title!
A Modern Mother | 9th Mar 10
@babesabouttown please send me the link when you do!
A Modern Mother | 9th Mar 10
@grit the ER guy is kinda cute
A Modern Mother | 9th Mar 10
@toomany still as a blogger it’s interesting, just don’t rent it thinking it’s the best film in the world because you will be dissapointed.
TooManyHats | 8th Mar 10
Thanks for your honest opinion. That was refreshing and now I will know not to rent that film.
grit | 8th Mar 10
if it doesn’t have bruce willis in a vest somewhere in the first 10 minutes, i’m not watching it.
Babes about Town | 8th Mar 10
That’s a shame but i can’t say I’m surprised. It feels a little bit like Hollywood jumping on what it sees as a new bandwagon, to appeal to what they suddenly seem to have realised is an extremely attractive market. Somewhat patronising, to say the least.
I’ll try not to judge before I’ve watched. But seeing as I was going to recommend it on my blog, I think instead I’ll do a list of films about motherhood that actually connected with me!
EmmaK | 8th Mar 10
I saw a clip of it and that was enough for me. It was as you say utterly mediocre and just not funny enough. Still there are bound to be more mummy blogger films soon that are better than that.
angelsandurchinsblog | 8th Mar 10
I found it really superficial, no plot line, and clearly written to tick boxes rather than by someone who cared. What a shame. Maybe you should write something about mummy bloggers that is actually good?!
Expat Mum | 8th Mar 10
It didn’t spend a lot of time in the movie theatres over here. Probably for good reason it would appear.
PS. I was a bit alarmed when I read the title of this post, I have to say!
nappyvalleygirl | 8th Mar 10
I’m supposed to be reviewing this, but it hasn’t arrived yet! It’ll be interesting to compare notes though….
A Modern Mother | 8th Mar 10
@peggy oh well, you win some and you loose some… it had so much potential!
Peggy @ Perfectly Happy Mum | 8th Mar 10
I was going to write my post about it too today and I saw yours. I have to say mine is going to be along these lines too, included the disappointment because I was also really looking forward to it too…
A Modern Mother | 8th Mar 10
@Emma just watch it with the right expectations!
Emma | 8th Mar 10
Oh no I was really looking forward to seeing it (is it wrong that I REALLY like Anthony Edwards?!) I hate films which are letdowns! 🙁
A Modern Mother | 8th Mar 10
@rosie glad it was not just me then! I’m so bummed, because I had really looked forward to seeing it!
Rosie Scribble | 8th Mar 10
Hooray! A reviewer who admitted they did not like the film! I didn’t like it either! I think they tried to throw in the blogging theme to make it up-to-date and very ‘in’ but they failed miserably. Did you notice some of her blog posts were three sentences long? I thought it was OTT and the ending was completely unrealistic.
Rather than find it funny, I found it depressing. I felt it painted motherhood in a very bleak light. After an exhausting day I found it exhausting to watch. If I had paid for a babysitter to go off to the cinema for a relaxing evening watching the film, I would have been annoyed.
I’ve reviewed it here but I much prefer yours:
A Modern Mother | 8th Mar 10
Can you watch UK format? I’ll send you mine…
Brit In Bosnia | 8th Mar 10
I haven’t seen it, but from what I’ve read of others reviews, most people felt the same as you. I’d probably watch it, as long as I didn’t have to pay to (ie like you, on a flight or if someone gave me a copy).