I got it all wrong; instead of whinging blogging about kids all day, I should be a FOOD BLOGGER. Then I could try out cool new accessories and cook and eat — all in the name of my readers! If I had known about blogging 20 years ago when I was foot loose and fancy free and not forced to produce meals of fish fingers and baked beans, I KNOW I would have been a food blogger. At least I would have aspired to be one.
Meet my new friends … Bronwyn of Feast with Bron, Anne from Anne's Kitchen, the lovely Carla who Can Be Bribed With Food, Jennifer of Chocolate Ecstasy, Robin who blogs at Source Cook Eat, and Mimi from MeeMalee's Kitchen. We spent the day at Miele's Experience Centre in Abingdonmaking some very delicious coffee in high end machines and trying out some of Miele's cool appliances. We melted chocolate in the steam ovens and then dipped in crispy amaretti biscuits. We made an asparagus and sunblush tomato quiche and creamy mushroom penne. Did I mention there were no kids anywhere in site?
Jennifer and Roxy putting the finishing touches on their kedgeree.
Mimi and Carla – they got "stuck" making the desserts. Poor dears.
Robin searing aromatic tiger prawns.
Our fearless Miele trainer…
At the end we got to try all our creations. Who would have known you could steam your way to such afeast.
So, what kind of blogger do you secretly wish you were?
Well this should be fun | A Modern Mother | 16th Oct 13
[…] when I said I should have been a food blogger? And remember my ongoing quest to find meals the whole family will […]
https://www.facebook.com/massiveprofitsignalreview | 6th Oct 13
Thanks in favor of sharing such a good idea, piece of writing is good, thats why i have read it
A Modern Mother | 19th Jan 10
I tend to do a lot of different types of posts too 😉
Muddling Along Mummy | 18th Jan 10
That looks fab – I want to be so many types of blogger, guess its why mine is so dysfunctional
A Modern Mother | 18th Jan 10
Bron — nice to meet you too!
Bron | 18th Jan 10
It was a pretty fab day indeed! Nice to have met you and I’d seriously recommend food blogging – always tasty!
A Modern Mother | 17th Jan 10
Mummy Bear — A fashionista?
Working Mum — it was a nic change I have to say…
working mum | 17th Jan 10
Sounds like my idea of heaven! I don’t know what kind of blogger I’d be; in the words of the song “I am what I am”!
Mummy Bear | 17th Jan 10
A Mummy blogger…still trying! Or someone who captures what people are wearing on the streets. I love that peoples efforts and individuality are noticed, but I’d be too shy to ask to take their picture!
A Modern Mother | 17th Jan 10
Sandi — I look forward to it!
Sandi | 17th Jan 10
That looks lovely. Hmmm, what kind of blogger do I wish I was? One of those who takes beautiful light pics that lifts everyone’s spirits. I will get there. Just figuring out my DSLR.
A Modern Mother | 17th Jan 10
Met Mum — that sounds lovely!
Metropolitan Mum | 17th Jan 10
I have been at a cupcake decorating course yesterday. Maybe we could swop a cupcake against a portion of the tiger prawns?
I think I would have been one of those country living style bloggers. With lots of colourful flowers in the garden, homemade preserves and a log fire in the living room.
A Modern Mother | 17th Jan 10
Woman — yes, and all those bears
Lisa — I’m with you on the coffee and would read it! I took the pics so of course am not in them ;-(
Mommy Time & Too Many — travel is right up there on my list too.
MommyTime | 17th Jan 10
Ah, travel. Hands down. Discovering the hidden gems in towns and seasides and mountains all over the world? Sounds dreamy. (less so with a 6 and 3 yr old in tow…)
lisa | 17th Jan 10
SO jealous!
Seriously? I would want to blog about coffee and espresso. Not just Starbucks, but high quality stuff. My sister roasts her own beans and has a high grade espresso machine at her house. It smells like a coffeehouse there LOL!
Hey, where are you in the pics?
TooManyHats | 16th Jan 10
Travel blogger would be a dream 🙂
Woman Who Can | 16th Jan 10
I think I’d like to be like Wife in the North. Not just the whole book deal malarkey, but blogging about a new place, how it felt. Mind you, then I’d have to go to all the trouble of moving, and it seems a bit drastic.
A Modern Mother | 16th Jan 10
Karin — maybe we should start a food blog?
Karin @ Cafe Bebe | 16th Jan 10
After our Pancake Fun adventure in London on Thursday, I’m wondering the same thing! 🙂
A Modern Mother | 16th Jan 10
Hannah — sounds perfect!
Hannah | 16th Jan 10
Looks like a great day! I like to think I combine Mummy blogging with food blogging in a round about way.
I’m lucky enough to be happy where I am at the moment, doing anything else would feel like blagging, for the first time I feel like I’m genuinely where I want to be.