Listen to my advice

Stroller Back into our routine after three days off, I was walking back from coffee this morning with HM, my four-year-old. She was in the push chair and I was contemplative in a post Bank Holiday sort of way.

"When I'm a mummy I'm going to walk like this," and she got behind the stroller and started to push — her tiny head just able to peer past my Orla Kieley bag. She pushed on, and the stroller kept veering to the right – and running into the brick pillars of the Edwardian homes that line this popular road near town. I could tell this was going to take a while, but I didn't hurry her. We had time. The two older girls were in school. It wasn't raining. It was just me and HM. And her imagination.

"I'm going to have babies when I'm a mummy," she offered, running the push chair into a tree.

"Yes, mummies have babies," I answered, thinking of my own three. What a handful. "How many are you going to have?"

"Two," she blurted out without hesitation. Then, like her mother, she paused and thought about what she said. "No," she shook her head slowly. "Just one. I can only look after one."

Now why in the world didn't I think of that?

Photo credit: flutter girl


  1. KindaSassy | 7th May 09

    wisdom indeed

  2. Iota | 7th May 09

    I wonder how different it will all be when our children are having children…

  3. Bee | 6th May 09

    Yes, you can handle one — until she turns into a teenager!
    I’ve enjoyed catching up with your recent stuff. Sorry that I’ve been off-blog for so long now.

  4. TooManyHats | 6th May 09

    Hehehe, she has her life all planned out at 4 🙂

  5. Rebel Mother | 5th May 09

    Out of the mouth of Babes!
    Dont think you’ll have any worries with this young lady…very clever – even at the age of 4! I wish I’d thought of that. x

  6. Tim Atkinson | 5th May 09

    ‘Having a baby’s just like having a hamster really, isn’t it?’
    That’s how Sally used to see it. In fact, it explains quite a lot about her relationship to her brother, come to think of it.
    More than one and they fight!

  7. Erica | 5th May 09

    Just one, that’s so sweet!

  8. Maternal Tales | 5th May 09

    If only I’d read this post a few years ago! Unfortunately it’s too late for me!! I don’t really mean that of course – I wouldn’t rade in my two little sausages for anything…but boy is it hard sometimes! Your littlest sounds very cute (and very sensible)!!

  9. A Modern Mother | 5th May 09

    SPD — thanks!
    Antonella — yes, we should listen more often.
    Margarita– It’s hard to slow down but you are right.
    Jo– I think about that every day.
    BinB- It’s hard to get 1 on 1 time but worth every minute.

  10. Brit In Bosnia | 5th May 09

    So lovely when you get the chance for one on one time with your kids. There is such a different side of them that is normally obscured. And I enjoy not having to be a referee but having the chance to have a proper conversation with them. Lovely post, she sounds like a sensible girl!

  11. Jo Beaufoix | 5th May 09

    They are so cute at this age aren’t they? And if you’d stopped at one you’d never have had her. That would have been a crime. 😀
    And those cakes look amazing.

  12. Margarita | 5th May 09

    Lol, she sounds so cute! “Only one!” It’s great to slow down sometimes with little ones.

  13. Antonella | 5th May 09

    I agree. I admire your daughter’s wisdom. The truth is always to be found in the words of a child. Ciao. A.

  14. SingleParentDad | 5th May 09

    How wonderful, the mind of a child, and a child with a smart one at that.

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