I don’t, but my husband says that every man and possibly every woman in the UK will.
The Department of Transport launched a new road safety campaign this week.
I started to get worried when I read through the facts … almost 2,000 children in the UK are seriously injured or killed by road accidents each year …
Then I read some of the tips for walking with children under six … DO NOT LET YOUR CHILD RUN TO SCHOOL.
To say mornings are a bit of an event at our house is an understatement.
Today, thanks to Children in Need Wear Home Clothes if You Bring a Pound Day we ended up with the entire contents of the children’s wardrobe in the middle of the floor because Emily was in search of a neon pink and orange butterfly shirt. Then she had to find the matching pink trousers. I don’t blame her, if I had to wear grey and blue every day, I’d go for the bright colours too.
No matter how much we prepare, we always leave the house about five minutes before the whistle blows. Then the girls fly down the road with me trailing behind with the push chair loaded with book bags, packed lunches and extra toys.
I always tell them to watch out for cars that could be pulling out of their driveways — but they never do and I don’t think they understand what can happen when a car hits you.
Here’s an advert from the campaign. I showed it to my daughters and now they UNDERSTAND why we now WALK to school.
What do you think about the new adverts?
Carol | 17th Jun 12
The advert looks really effective albeit scary. I sure hope kids will understand the importance of it.
Erwin Tan | 3rd Dec 08
Kevin Keegan.. It’s a pity he left Newcastle United.
Liz@violetposy | 20th Nov 08
OMG! I’ve not seen that picture since I was my daughter’s age! LOL! Thanks for sharing that.
Iota | 18th Nov 08
Myrna – I had that Singing Kettles video for my kids! The Singing Kettles are hardly known outside Scotland (I think I’m right in saying that). I thought it was very good for older kids – too much detailed information for younger kids though. The songs were catchy enough that kids would remember the slogans.
Myrna | 18th Nov 08
I remember taking my kids to see the “Singing Kettles” where they taught about the Zebra Crossings and all the traffic rules. No more Singing Kettles??
Expat Mum | 15th Nov 08
Keegan. That’s how I remember him. I haven’t been in England since he resurfaced as a manager and I always get a surprise when I see the older, greyer version.
I don’t like the ad though. It’s a bit creepy.
Iota | 14th Nov 08
There was a really bad campaign in my youth, with John Pertwee (an early Dr Who), which used the acronym SPLINK (first, find a SAFE place to cross, next, stand on the PAVEMENT, etc) I don’t know why they thought children would find it helpful – it really wasn’t catchy or easy to use.
Then there was Green Cross man, who was a superhero who helped you across the road. The ad finished with him saying very seriously “Always use the green cross code, because I won’t be there, when you cross the road” – so why invent him and show him to children in the first place?
Having said all that, the ads obviously made an impact on me – I remember them all these years later.
It’s one thing that worries me about living here. My kids just aren’t learning traffic safety. They know they have to keep with me in a parking lot, but the drivers are so polite and give way to pedestrians, so the danger is very low even if they do run ahead. Crossing roads is a learned and practised skill, like so many other things that adults take for granted.
TooManyHats | 14th Nov 08
Very good reminders. I think the TV ad was good – appealing to kids as it is a cartoon & really not preachy, just the facts.