When I was a young urban professional (remember yuppies?) holidays were all about getting away from the stress of work life. Warm destinations with swimming pools were popular. So were snowy havens with lots of sporty options. Sometimes there was a bit of office one-upmanship (wouldn’t it be cool to go to INSERT SWANKY DESTINATION).
As a parent, I approach holidays differently. Part of what I look for in a destination is what new experiences will be available to my 9, 10 and 11-year-old (yes, my children were born in consecutive years, that’s not a typo). Will they learn a new skill? Will the holiday broaden their knowledge of the world? Can I get them to try a new food instead of wrinkling their noses at it?
Mastering skiing can lead to confidence. Learning to paddle together on a river rafting trip can bolster teamwork skills. And tucking a little bit of history in the back of your mind can help on that school essay.
As part of the BritMums #Wales4Kids Linky Challenge, I’ve included few holiday pics where the girls learned something new on hols. Of course I can’t officially enter the competition as I’m a BritMums Founder, but I wanted to share some of our own family holiday experiences.
And this was just before Christmas, on a weekend trip to London. My youngest, now aged 8, finally got up on ice skates. She was a bit wobbly at first, but when she realised she could ice skate, she was grinning from ear to ear.
What have you learned on holiday? Join the Visit Wales #Wales4Kids Family Holiday Challenge and let us know!
Sam | 11th Mar 14
Your children have had some fantastic opportunities! I would love to take my two skiing, but we can only afford one holiday a year and I am too much of a sun lover to give up a hot holiday for a cold one! We are in the very early stages of planning a holiday to California and your photos have made me want to go there even more!
Coombe Mill | 11th Mar 14
Your children are very lucky to be given these opportunities, what wonderful memories of family life you are creating and helping them learn for life in the process. Hard to beat an action packed holiday.
kate on thin ice | 5th Mar 14
So lovely to read about your children’s adventures and to see those gorgeous faces. My Dad always insisted however financially strapped times were that the family had a holiday every year at least even if that meant him working and mum and the children going on their own with him joining them at weekends. She used to argue for a carpet on the floor and he used to say nope holidays are more important. I think he was right. I think the fact my much older brothers went away a lot when people didn’t from their/our background led them to aspire which then led to them travelling the world in fashion and theatre environments. Wow, longest comment of all time or what?
Otilia | 27th Feb 14
your holidays photos looks so nice. we need to go on holidays more often.
louisejedwards | 26th Feb 14
Great photos and video! Love the white water rafting. Holidays are all about having fun, relaxing and brilliant if you can pick up some new skills along the way! x
Susanna | 27th Feb 14
You’re right, let’s not forget we need a little R&R on our holidays. x
Carolin | 26th Feb 14
I think holidays are such a great way for children to learn about the world they live in – and that without them realising that they’re learning something new. Of course, it always depends on the type of holiday and the person taking them on holiday, but my parents always found the perfect mix of beach time, hiking, fun and educational excursions to castles, museums, galleries etc
Susanna | 27th Feb 14
Thanks Carolin, and from reading your blog, it sounds like you have the right balance too. x
Aly (@plus2point4) | 26th Feb 14
Oh yes definitely! We probably won’t learn a new skill due to financial constraints but they certainly do learn something new from going to museums, exhibitions and visiting new places.
Susanna | 27th Feb 14
You’re right to point out you don’t have to have a big budget to learn something from excursions. We are so lucky to have wonderful museums in London that are FREE.
hpmcq | 25th Feb 14
ronnie already has a long list of places he wants to go to, one being china! i know!
Susanna | 26th Feb 14
Just think of what you’d learn there …
Keynko (@Keynko) | 25th Feb 14
I think kids sometimes learn more on holiday than they do in school! The trip to France was certainly a better history lessons than they could have got sitting in a stuffy classroom!
Susanna | 26th Feb 14
I agree, and wish that school would be more lenient when it comes to time off during terms breaks. x
marisworld | 25th Feb 14
I love the look of that water rafting, what a fabulous experience and your daughters are gorgeous, such happy faces. We had a go at the Flow Rider in Cornwall and the girls loved it, more than I thought they would
Susanna | 26th Feb 14
They are now river rafting fans! Absolutely loved it (so did we).
Katy Hill | 25th Feb 14
LOVE this post! And you’re SO right. Holidays have now completely changed and I’m all about opening their eyes, ears and minds! I love how excited they are by EVERYTHING! x
Susanna | 27th Feb 14
I wonder if your children will have the same adventure gene as their Blue Petter mum?
Boo Roo and Tigger Too | 25th Feb 14
It’s so lovely when they learn something new on holiday, it makes it that bit more memorable from them
Susanna | 27th Feb 14
…and make mum and dad smile…
Liz Burton | 25th Feb 14
Fab photos, that rafting looks awesome! I think when you’re a kid, as long as you approach things with the right mindset, almost everything’s a learning opportunity, especially when away from home.
Susanna | 27th Feb 14
That’s a nice way to look at it. x
Actually Mummy... | 25th Feb 14
Oh I love these photos! The rafting looks incredible! I’m so excited mine are just now at the age where we can try new exciting things and I’m so looking forward to learning along with them!
Susanna | 27th Feb 14
The rafting WAS incredible. We want to go back.
Jenny | 25th Feb 14
Hmm, what have we learned on holiday?? The it takes a lot longer to cook anything on camping gas and that buying wetsuits for the whole family (even if I do look like a beached whale) was the best thing we ever did!
Susanna | 27th Feb 14
Wet suits do make a difference. We stayed at a hotel in Cornwall recently, and they let us borrow them. The kids loved it. I of course did not attempt getting in one.
Mammasaurus | 25th Feb 14
Ah such lovely holiday memories they have to look back on! We learn things every holiday we go on – from new things to eat and see to lessons of what not to do again or to do better next time round!
Susanna | 27th Feb 14
Lessons of what not to do again … I’m sure there’s a story in there somewhere…
hurrahforgin | 25th Feb 14
p.s my brother in law lives in California, i can’t wait to take my boys when they are a little older as its such a fabulous place.
hurrahforgin | 25th Feb 14
Great photos, especially the third and fourth ones of your girls. It sounds weird but they just capture everything that is good about being a kid. When i think of my own childhood its always summer, we are swimming or running about in the country with tousled hair 🙂
Susanna | 27th Feb 14
You MUST go. Let me know if you do I and I can give you some tips.
Anya from Older Single Mum and The Healer | 25th Feb 14
What wonderful photographs and adventures! Your girls are lucky to have such a plucky parents 🙂
Susanna | 27th Feb 14
That made me smile (plucky).
Helen Neale | 25th Feb 14
I agree totally – our holidays are all about giving the kids new experiences, and helping them to learn new things…which is why we are going ski-ing soon! 😀
Susanna | 27th Feb 14
Ooohhhh, have a FAB time.
maggy, red ted art | 25th Feb 14
Holidays are a GREAT opportunity to learn about the world and broaden your horizons! Love that they picked up some skills on the way too!