I'm not under any illusions. I don't have the perfect bod. I like to think I'm not fat, but I am a bit *AHEM* thick in places. I'm 45. I had three children in quick secession. I like food. I can't be bothered with dieting.
So when I went on this Three Mobile Mums photo shoot at OK Magazine, and the stylist pulled out this, I said I had to have it. It's a John Lewis Hobbs Limited Edition corsage dress. 100% silk, empire line, long sleeve, mid-length. It hides all the fat bits, and emphasizes my small waist.
I didn't say I wanted it in a Veruca Salt Charlie and the Chocolate Factory sort of way, it was more of a how did you do that sort of way. When I showed the OK Photos to my friends, they looked in awe and said I looked thin. I think they were being complimentary.
Hubby was sweet and got me the dress for Christmas. Yay! He didn't even flinch at the price (he's Scottish).
What did you get for Christmas?
Angel Bean Baby Shoes | 8th Aug 11
Gorgeous dress. Well done for getting it and wearing it!
Mummy Bear | 5th Jan 11
A very late reply, but only just had a chance to loom at my reader! The dress is lovely, just lovely. I got an Alex Monroe peapod necklace. Mr Scruff, at last, listened!
Ellen | 3rd Jan 11
What a gorgeous dress! If that kind of cut suits you you should look at Betty Jackson Black – I love her stuff – it makes my large behind look cute and my tummy small!
Expat Mum | 2nd Jan 11
Wow – you definitely have the figure to wear that dress. (The same style looks hideous on me.)
Hubby and I bought a few small things for each other but ran out of time to get a “big” present so we decided not to bother. I got loads of tea-related things which was nice.
I'm So Fancy | 2nd Jan 11
I love the dress! And I got a very compact and light weight digital piano, thank you very much! xx
Metropolitan Mum | 1st Jan 11
So glad you got the dress, it suited you really well. And no, you are definitely not fat.
Lorraine The Party Times | 1st Jan 11
Lucky you – dress looks wonderful! My christmas gifts were more traditional – pj’s, smellies and the like along with a beautiful handbag so I did very well. Happy new year
Antonella | 31st Dec 10
I got a well and some goats for some people in Africa. really! Through Oxfam Unrapped. That;s all I wanted this year. Great you got the dress. You look fab in it! Happy New Year to you and your family! Ciao. A.
MommyTime | 31st Dec 10
That is a fantastic dress! I am so happy that you have it for your very own. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (almost).
PS I was scrolling through your posts and found your gorgeous Christmas cake. I learned to make them the first year I lived in England, and I have made one about every other year since. I have the absolute perfect recipe; if you ever want to make one completely from scratch, just email me and I’ll send it. It took a lot of researching to find one that wasn’t too dry or too candied or all the other things that these can be too much of… I will say that mine have never looked as elegant on the outside as yours, though, so I’m filing away your silver balls & stars decorating technique for next year…
Suzanne | 31st Dec 10
You looked stunning in the dress, and I’m glad your hubby bought it for you. I got some beautiful ESPA goodies, so that I will be all blissed out and relaxed (she says, fingers crossed), and a full body massage.
Geekymummy | 31st Dec 10
Gorgeous! We didn’t spend a lot on presents for each other but I did get a much wanted new book. Enjoy the dress!
Emmakaufmann | 30th Dec 10
God bless your hubby!! I didn’t get much that was exciting for Christmas. I almost cried when I didn’t get any chocolates from hubby actually. He gave me a scone mix and blackberry jam WTF??
Rosie Scribble | 30th Dec 10
It’s a lovely dress. I got a camera so I’ll be wearing that round my neck for some time to come! Happy New Year. x
Pants With Names | 30th Dec 10
Ooooo it is gorgeous! I can’t wait to get a normal figure back as I’m desperate for some more clothes. Loving the look of this though!
pS my Xmas pressies more along the socks variety (much needed and very gratefully received).
Akemi | 30th Dec 10
What an elegant dress! I know what you mean about the figure thing. I have the same issues, being a bit thick around the middle. Now I’m at the point where if something fits, I buy it in multiple colors, like a guy!
Nickie@Typecast | 30th Dec 10
It’s a lovely dress – very flattering – you looked lovely in it. I would ADORE a dress like that.
Sian - Mummy Tips | 30th Dec 10
Do do look fab in that dress – but then you are fab and I think it should really be said that the dress looks fab on you
Rachael | 30th Dec 10
I loved you in that dress Susanna, and I’m really glad you got it! And you don’t look thick in places to me – you have a fab figure! xx
ghostwritermummy | 30th Dec 10
Oh, lovely husband! I got a night away in a super posh hotel- just what I wanted and no arguing over whose lie in it was!!