It's here! CyberMummy 2010 – a conference devoted solely to mum bloggers and the kinds of thing we want to talk about!
After all the great blogger meet-ups, we wanted more: more networking and more advice and perhaps a bit more wine (or at least biscuits).
So three of us bloggers – Susanna, (me!), Sian ( and Jennifer ( – have banded together and organised a one-day event where we can share stories, trade tips and learn a few things from experts and each other. The day will have sessions devoted to content, understanding technical things like SEO and working with sponsors.
It's a day that's for and about bloggers: you'll see some of your favourite bloggers on panels, borrow their best ideas in CyberLabs and debate issues over coffee or lunch.
PLUS we want you to be a part of it. At the end of the day instead of the typical conference wrap-up, we're hosting a Crowdsourced Keynote: a collection of best posts from attendee's blogs, read by them. So register for the conference now then nominate one of your favourite posts (maybe your most popular, maybe just the one that meant the most to you) or a post from someone else's.
Sign up now and you can even take advantage of our great discount: the early bird rate is only £80, a £20 discount. Take advantage of it now – it only lasts until 15th April.
The conference takes place on Saturday 3 July at the Earls Court Ibis in London.
Go to to find out more and to register before tickets sell out!
A Modern Mother | 14th Mar 10
Emma | 14th Mar 10
I’m so excited! Cant wait to get my ticket at the end of the month!
Babes about Town | 14th Mar 10
I saw the email, this is all very exciting. Desperately hope I can be there! Heading to registration site.
working mum | 13th Mar 10
I’ll be flying over London that day – I’ll wave to you all!
Amelia | 13th Mar 10
sounds good – will we be learning how to make any money from blogging?
Kat | 13th Mar 10
I should be able to be there! Just need to inform my husband that he is babysitting that week, ya know, after he gets home from Afghanistan. He needs time alone with the kids anyway, right?
A Modern Mother | 13th Mar 10
@metmum look forward to seeing you (again)
@emma thanks so much!
emma | 12th Mar 10
Susanna – unfortunately I am working on this day, so won’t be able to come along and join in the fun. Such a good idea, I wish you luck, Emma x
Metropolitan Mum | 12th Mar 10
Awesome. I am really looking forward to this one!