What do you do when an ash cloud has you stuck in California?
Go to the Apple Store and play with the iPads!
Our local store has 25 demo iPads and last week there was a bit of a scrum to get your hands on one.
It's really just an iTouch, with a fantastically huge screen. I spend a lot of time trying to read emails and web pages on my iPhone, so the larger screen is like, WOW, who turned on the lights!
You do not NEED one of these, and it will not replace a laptop. But you will WANT one. I think sit this out and wait for the second generation though.
PS — hope we are home soon. Meanwhile, we'll try to bear it.
Tracy Waterhouse | 28th Jul 10
The Apple iPad looks nice but it has some limitations by design – which is just another way for Apple to milk as much money as it can from this device. But I think the lack of multi-tasking is a big setback and one of the reasons why I would rather wait for the next generation of the iPad.
“Why you don’t need an iPad”
This post also went into some depth about the iPad features and made some good points.
Leanda | 10th May 10
Hello Susanna and fellow BMB’s
Join my gorgeous new social network MYFJ.com to be in with a chance of winning an ipad!!! How exciting!
Just click on the link
If Facebook is about your favourites, linked in about Work, BMB about support and mummy news then MYFJ.com is all about your favourite – things, people, places.
Sorry for blatant plug on Susanna’s comment box but don’t know how else to let u know about the iPad comp!!!
Much love
Look forward to sharing favourites…BMB is already a favourite..Susanna
love if you went on and claimed your page x
Dulwich Divorcee | 4th May 10
Hope you had fun on your extended holiday
Catriona Takeuchi | 26th Apr 10
Oooh! I’m SOOOO tempted!, Hope you’re no longer stranded.
Organic Motherhood with Cool Whip | 25th Apr 10
HOpe you make it home soon. And btw that looks like a very fun toy. I want one!
Antonella | 23rd Apr 10
Sorry to bore you but I wish I were stuck in California!!!! In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a HUGE California fan. I was one of the last two candidates for a dream job in LA a few years ago. It went to a single male candidate (and without kids). It still hurts! Hope you can get back here smoothly. Ciao. A.
Calif Lorna | 22nd Apr 10
We have a volcanic ash refugee with us trying to get home to the UK. He also went into the Apple store to play with the iPads – you must be the most fortunate people ever. Far worse places to be stuck!
Adventure Mother | 21st Apr 10
I’d like to try out the iPad but don’t really want one – reminds me of ghetto blasters taking over from Sony Walkmans 🙂
Heather Davis | 21st Apr 10
Yeah it’s not about need with these gadgets is it! DS’s for adults. Will definitely be waiting for 2nd generation though – very sensible advice. We had fab weather in Scotland btw!! Who knew the sun could shine so brightly there in April. Hope you get back soon & safely.
Liz@VioletPosy | 21st Apr 10
I hope you’re on your way home soon, in the mantime enjoy the sunshine and the iPad – I’m not at all jealous! 😉 Safe trip x
maria | 20th Apr 10
Hopefully the ash cloud will disperse soon so you’ll be able to return home. In the meanwhile enjoy California and the iPad:)
susie | 20th Apr 10
My husband finally got home last night after 5 day dealy-took trains from london to marseilles and then a very delayed plane from there.
Hope you get home soon.
Geekymummy | 20th Apr 10
Am reading on my phone, the pad does look scrummy! Sorry you got stuck here. My folks got the last plane out of London Thursday. So glad they made it!
Iota | 20th Apr 10
Hope you get back soon, I was going to say, but it sounds like you’re not suffering too much.
Husband is stuck in England.
A Modern Mother | 19th Apr 10
@emma I did try out the ebooks and they were cool, the iPad is a bit heavy(ish) but I don’t think that will matter.
A Modern Mother | 19th Apr 10
@thanks rosie, we’re with family so in a much better position than many others…
A Modern Mother | 19th Apr 10
@metmum yes, but I think it’s because of all the issues they are having…
Metropolitan Mum | 19th Apr 10
My husband SO wants one. Did you hear that they postponed the introduction over here by a month or so due to high demand? It’s pathetic. WE ARE IN A RECESSION!!! Sorry 🙂
Rosie Scribble | 19th Apr 10
Show them this post and maybe they’ll give you a free one! Hope you are able to get back soon. There will be some flights out of London tomorrow so hopefully it won’t be too long. You can’t do much apart from make the most of your extended stay. xxx
TheMadHouse | 19th Apr 10
Enjoy you enforced extension!
Emmakaufmann | 19th Apr 10
ooh yeah I want one! Can read an ebook without getting a migraine like on those tiny Kindle screens.
Potty Mummy | 19th Apr 10
There are worse places to be stranded, I guess… (but I can imagine you’re very much looking forward to getting home!)
A Modern Mother | 19th Apr 10
@Nova we’re lucky to be with family and have a place to stay, and the weather has improved…
@nappyvalley we’re *trying* to make the most of it
nappyvalleygirl | 19th Apr 10
Another stranded person….hang in there. If nothing else, California is a pretty good place to be stuck I guess! Especially with iPads at your disposal…..
Nova | 19th Apr 10
Hopefully the weather has improved for you…bit scary all this now, how long it’s taking people to get back to the UK. Must admit if it was me I would treat it as an exciting adventure and love the extra time away from home.
Ooo- I must admit the ipad looks just up my street too…I strain looking at posts etc on my iphone but something that’s bigger but still very portable would tick all the boxes. One day. ;0)
Enjoy your unexpectedly prolonged holiday. ;0)