I’m losing it…

Tap I must be going through a bad patch. At least I hope that's all it is.

Yesterday I was catching up on the phone with a good friend — I had the receiver wedged between my shoulder and ear, which forced my head to look down at my boobs. I don't usually do this, but I'm glad I did. Because I saw  a big, greasy, red splat on my crisp, white, NEW Banana Republic T-shirt! Not just one spot, but as I looked closer, I saw a spray of splats, in a sort of constellation. It looked like the aftermath of a baby ant's painting session.

Damn, It must be the bolognaise sauce I made the girls for lunch. Frantic not to ruin my new shirt (I don't get many new things these days) I quickly made my way to the utility room, doused the shirt in stain remover, and then put under the tap to rinse.

Then I left to pick up the girls from school. This usually takes a while because I talk with a few mums, let the girls play on the apparatus and then send them to get check lost and found for the jumper they had on in the morning but has miraculously disappeared. Finally we made our way home, amid moans of "Why don't we live closer to school mummy?"

I opened the front door and heard the distinct rushing of water running. Nooooooooo! I couldn't have. Yes I did. I had left the tap on, and the shirt had blocked the plug, and the utility room was flooded. Oh joy.

And today I forgot my daughter's lunch at home. That's not unusual. But I didn't even notice it sitting on the kitchen counter throughout the day.

It's just a phase, right?

Photo credit: ladylush


  1. Hannah | 28th Apr 09

    Its an attack of Mummy brain – there’s so much going on that something has to get dropped out or your head would explode
    Hope the clearing up process wasn’t too awful

  2. Debs | 26th Apr 09

    I always manage to spill food down my top. It comes from having big boobs I suppose.

  3. Antonella | 26th Apr 09

    If this kind of episodes means that someone is pregnant I’d have more 100 children by now!!! I think we are just too busy and have too much our mind. Sometimes it gets a bit worse. Maybe a bit of rest and some tonic would help. Ciao. A.

  4. Treemama | 25th Apr 09

    So I started reading this and then my cake timer went off and I’m like oh, no, no I want to finish. Glad to see you’re having THAT day and not me. Aren’t you glad though that you didn’t realize you left the tap on at the schoollyard and had to deal with the anxiety of it the WHOLE way home 🙂

  5. More than Just a Mother | 25th Apr 09

    It’s a phase. It’s just a phase. Sadly it’s a phase which has probably already lasted a decade and will go on for another two or three at least.

  6. A Modern Mother | 25th Apr 09

    Bush — You’re right. But then the only answer would be that I was pregnant!

  7. Bush Mummy | 24th Apr 09

    I thought you were going to say that you went to pick the girls up from school without a shirt on! (read it again – it could sound that way right?).
    Tag for you at mine.
    BM x

  8. A Modern Mother | 24th Apr 09

    22Many, Iota – I hadn’t thought of that. I’m way too old to be pregant, though I guess it is possible. No other symptoms though…
    Jill — yes, we only have room for so many bits and bytes in our heads
    Felicia — done that!

  9. Iota | 24th Apr 09

    Pregnancy or jet lag. Those are my diagnoses.

  10. Jill Appleton | 23rd Apr 09

    It’s good to know I’m not the only one! I think it’s all about mums having to carry too many thoughts/dates/chores/information around in their heads.
    That’s my excuse anyway!

  11. Felicia - I Complete Me | 23rd Apr 09

    I’m so hoping it is just a phase. I haven’t done that (yet anyway), but I did leave my babies diaper bag at home and didn’t remember until we got to the doctor for his visit. Luckily no one was there and we were in and out very quickly. But I felt so bad.

  12. TooManyHats | 23rd Apr 09

    Um…sounds like pregnancy brain to me – are you not telling us something?

  13. A Modern Mother | 23rd Apr 09

    Gretchen — ditto for you
    SPD — yes, I have that going for me 😉

  14. SingleParentDad | 23rd Apr 09

    Certainly hope so, and in any case at least you had it to lose.

  15. Gretchen | 23rd Apr 09

    I’m with Laura – normal day for me! 😀

  16. Susanna (A Modern Mother) | 23rd Apr 09

    MT, Bosnia, Potty — good point, what WAS I thinking buying a white shirt. I guess I thought maybe I was ready for one. Obviously I was wrong.
    Laura — that makes me feel better, thanks

  17. Potty Mummy | 23rd Apr 09

    Brit in Bosnia has a good point; a white shirt? Although, I suppose wearing a white shirt whilst the kids are at school is as good a time as any to try and keep it pristine. (And having said that, I am sitting here wearing a white t-shirt myself – and I can guarantee it will be wrecked before I even do Boy #2’s pick-up…)

  18. Laura | 23rd Apr 09

    Sounds like a normal day for me!

  19. Brit In Bosnia | 23rd Apr 09

    I’m with MT on this one. A white shirt? A new one? A whole, new, crisp, Banana Republic lovey white shirt?
    I think the jet lag has something to do with it myself. And the whole just back from being away can’t get back into the swing of things phase.
    Hope the tap didn’t cause too much damage.

  20. Maternal Tales | 23rd Apr 09

    Sure you’re not pregnant again??!! I always like to throw that one in.
    Oh you poor thing – yes I have left the tap running before – but this was pre-children so I’m not even sure what my excuse was back then!! Totally flooded the bathroom and the floor buckled and pushed all the tiles up and it dripped throught the ceiling. Haven’t done it since.
    BTW – what on earth were you doing wearing a white shirt anyway???!

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