Last Friday morning my youngest, aged 6, didn't want to part with a pound coin in order to wear home clothes to school. In case you've landed on this blog from across the pond, Friday was Red Nose Day/Comic Relief, a fund raising appeal where basically all of the UK comes together to raise money for charity. The evening culminates in a live telethon, and many celebs donate their time in some way. Gordon Brown, JLS, Justin Bieber, Paul McCartny, Davina McCall, and Keira Knightley all made an appearance this year. It's really an amazing event, raising more than £74 million on this campaign.
Back to last Friday morning. My youngest didn't want to give her pound coin. We have been encouraging her to save her money for something she really wants, and not to spend it willy nilly on things like sweets. She didn't think the privilege of wearing jeans and a non-school jumper to school was worth her pound. She had squirreled away nearly ten pounds by doing little jobs around the house, such as picking up bags of seed casings from the Copper Beach in the back garden. I told her it was for charity, to help children in Africa. No, she said. I want to save my money. I told her I would give her a pound coin to take, that she didn't have to use her own money. She still wasn't convinced.
Fast forward to Friday evening. We turned on Comic Relief. On came a waif of an African girl who could not have been more than around seven. She was speaking softly in her local language, and subtitles appeared on the bottom of the television screen. HM asked what the little girl was saying. Her mother just died, I told her. Now she has to take care of her baby brother. HM saw the little girl, not much older than herself, washing her brother in a river. More sub titles appeared. The little girl said she is so hungry her body hurt. She doesn't want to live, I explained.
HM looked at me and said Mummy I changed my mind. I'd like to give £6 to the children in Africa.
I'm not sure how she came up with that figure, but we sent it away the next morning and we are very proud of our little girl.
Photo credit: Ell Brown
Baby Gifts | 30th May 12
I love the fact that you let her make up her own mind about dressing down. Then later on, she was able to see the consequence and could put it right.
Arlene Marie Daniels | 19th Jun 11
What an angel!
At an early age, she’s learned the value of charity and selflessness. Kudos to you for being a good parent!
Nat | 4th Apr 11
so lovely, my boy said a prayer when watching the same piece, but decided he had more important things to buy! Had to explain the meaning of important!
sam | 3rd Apr 11
That is lovely!
HELEN | 28th Mar 11
thats so sweet.
Just popped over from The Blog Bus on Petit Mom
Cam - Bibs&Baubles | 28th Mar 11
sweet story. I’m proud of her too!
Baby Genie | 26th Mar 11
What a little star, warmed my heart and made the corners of my mouth drop ready to cry. She’s on the right path to be a very special lady x
Jody Brettkelly | 25th Mar 11
Love that she came to that conclusion! And you let her come to that too- well done you! And she is person after my own heart – I used to love uniforms and would not have given it up for a $1 unless for charity.
A Modern Mother | 25th Mar 11
It was nice to see her evolve in such a short timeframe.
A Modern Mother | 25th Mar 11
I was, still am reading this through again.
A Modern Mother | 25th Mar 11
It really hadn’t occured to me to have them watch it, but their teachers had all told them to watch so we did. We didn’t watch the whole programme, but enough of it.
Jacq | 24th Mar 11
We haven’t let ours watch Comic Relief yet but I was saying this year, that we should let them see it next year.
You must be very proud of your girl.
Mrs Green | 24th Mar 11
Beautiful, what a gorgeous girl you have – you must be having a seriously proud mama evening
Mari | 24th Mar 11
It must have been fabulous to watch her come to that conclusion all on her own, like watching an evolution of sorts.
You must be very proud – I would be!
Insomniac Mummy | 24th Mar 11
Just welled up reading that. What a lovely thing for her to do.

nappyvalleygirl | 24th Mar 11
Lovely story. I think it’s good not to shield them from these things. I try to explain to the kids that people go hungry in some countries but it’s hard for them to visualise.
On a slightly different note, Littleboy 1 got very cross yesterday when we were reading a book about monkeys and it said thta they lose their habitats when people chop down trees. He was furious and said he was going to save all the trees and fight people who cut them down. I may have inspired an eco-terrorist.
Expat Mum | 24th Mar 11
Awww. That’s fab. I don’t think it’s easy for little ones to conceive of the hunger around the world until they see a child just like them in that condition.
My 7 y/o said he would give his money to the Japan fund at school – as sson as he’s bought himself the DVD he wants. I still have some work to do!
David Bier | 24th Mar 11
What a lovely story. I’d be proud too.
Iota | 24th Mar 11
Good for her. And good for you letting her see sad footage on tv, and talking about it with her.
Antonella | 24th Mar 11
One pound for each year of her precious life! What a fantastic gesture. Thank God there are still kids like your HM around. Hugs. Ciao. A.
Helen Grounds | 24th Mar 11
Aww bless her cotton little socks.
Michelloui | The American Resident | 24th Mar 11
Thats such a lovely story and so like a 6 year old! She sounds very clever to me.