1. I'm one of those weird people that actually likes brussel sprouts.
2. I was a cheerleader in high school. Head cheerleader, nonetheless.
3. My very first job was as a lifeguard.
4. Jobs 2 – 10 were waitressing.
5. My current job wears me out (wait, you probably already know that).
6. I'm in the midst of a battle with my hair and the grey team is winning.
7. Most of what I earn on my blogging network goes to charity (and Cafe Nero).
Thanks to Mummy Tips, Mommy Has a Headache, and Utterly Scrummy for the tags!
You're tagged: Living with Kids, Wife in the North, Belgravia Wives, Frazzled Daddy, Sugar Mouse, Super Single Mum, Thank You For the Days and anyone else who is bored and wants to do this!
PS – apologies to any normal people reading this, it's all bloggy speak.
Photo credit: free4mkatia
Part Mummy Part Me | 26th Apr 10
Oh yes, you must post a cheerleader photo!
I’ve was tagged forthis too – it was great fun. I have revealed a few secrets on my list…well, they’re not secrets any more obviously!
scribblingmum | 22nd Apr 10
Ditto for point number 1 – they are lush with some bacon, mmmm.
Cheerleader. That is seriously cool. Do you still have your pom poms? Or ever get the urge to do a cheer when no-ones watching?
Metropolitan Mum | 19th Apr 10
You have normal people reading your blog?
Nappy Valley Housewife | 19th Apr 10
Head Cheerleader! And you dated the Captain of the Football Team? Sounds like my sister. How about prom queen or homecoming queen? I love brussel sprouts and, as Belgravia Wife said, panfried with pancetta (and shallots).
Expat Mum | 18th Apr 10
I’ll be trying that recipe soon!
Belgravia Wife sort of | 17th Apr 10
I am a complete silver fox and go for a roots re-paint on an alarmingly regular basis – hoping to avoid the Joan Collins look……
Cheerleader – bravo ! I also love brussels – oddly so do my children – panfried with pancetta – yum.
Thanks so much for the tag xx
K Gentle | 16th Apr 10
So YOU were Britanys Inspiration!……I wish we had cheerleaders in the uk…….ok waitO our equivalent was the netball team! I was one of those….. only without the pompoms!
Thanks for tagging me.
x K
Kat | 16th Apr 10
Head cheerleader? You do surprise me…
Potty Mummy | 16th Apr 10
Hang on – are you saying we’re not normal? PMx (PS – don’t answer that…)
Rosie Scribble | 16th Apr 10
Oh I can so relate to the hair battle! My hair is darker than yours. I may need to go a little blonder!
A Modern Mother | 16th Apr 10
@expat sometimes I slice them thinly and saute with bacon, mushrooms and garlic and a dash of soy sauce and rice vinegear…
Expat Mum | 16th Apr 10
An American who likes Brussels sprouts? No way! Try roasting them with parmesan sprinkled on the top. Mm. mmm.
A Modern Mother | 16th Apr 10
@nappy OK, will reach into the depth of my memories and try to remember. Yes, it’s all coming back… My boyfriend was also the captain of the football team.
nappyvalleygirl | 16th Apr 10
You must post about the cheerleading. It’s something we Brits only know about from films and TV, you see, so it fascinates us.
I am also a sprout fan…..
A Modern Mother | 16th Apr 10
@iota no video, but looking for photos…
Iota | 16th Apr 10
Any video footage of the cheerleading?
I like sprouts too. There isn’t a law against it.
A Modern Mother | 16th Apr 10
OK, I’ll look. I’ll warn you. Big blonde hair. Skinny legs. Nothing like I am now!
Liz (LivingwithKids) | 16th Apr 10
A head Cheerleader! That deserves a post in itself. Were you like Claire from #Heroes or one of the ones from #Glee? Picture, please!
Thanks for the tag!