The one who asked about Arianna’s blouse

Huffpostlogo Last night I went to the HuffPost UK launch. In case you don't know, The HuffPost is a popular news site in the US, covering everything from politics to fashion to family life. Their model is to have "influential and knowledgeable minds" contribute posts to a blog style store front. The amazing thing is that people like Sarah Brown, Alastair Campbell and Ricky Gervais, all contribute. For free. 

I've been asked to be a contributor, and honestly I've never been so excited to do something for nothing. 

The main feature of the launch at Millbank Tower was this bizarre panel that included Richard Bacon, Alastair Campbell, Celia WaldenKelly Osbourne and Arianna Huffington, the brains behind the HuffPost. They talked about current events, mainly phone hacking and super injunctions. It was very Question Time confrontational, and sort of entertaining, but the highlight was the cool Twitter stream that was projected on the big screen behind the panel.

We were invited to ask questions and share thoughts using #huffpostuk. Lots of witty things were going up, showing the intellectual capacity of the crowd. It reminded me a bit of Uni, where students would one-up their peers piping up with something like "when Sir Robert Walpole was Prime Minster in 1676…" Anyway, my tweets were not witty. I wanted to know where Arianna got the fab blouse she was wearing.

This one, embarrassingly, got a few chuckles from the audience.

I was pleased when Arianna answered the question on Twitter.

I immediately googled Dominco Vacca, turns out he's an Italian designer. There are no prices on the web site, so if I keep writing for free I most likely won't be purchasing anything from his collections soon 😀

I was very impressed with Arianna, she is truly enchanting, taking the time to work the crowd. She came by and said hello, and I introduced myself as the one who asked about her blouse. She laughed, and told me Vacca was one of her favourite designers. The only thing I could think of to say was to show of my limited multi-lingual knowledge and tell her that vacca meant cow in Spanish.

Oh well.

Here's to reading A Modern Mother on the Huffington Post UK!




  1. Nat | 3rd Aug 11

    LOL funny! congrats on getting a slot with them, awesome!

  2. Alexander Residence | 18th Jul 11

    Wow, very impressive, and you clearly made you mark too. nice work!

  3. Family Affairs | 15th Jul 11

    I am SO jealous. I think her paper is fab – if she needs anybody to discuss divorce/singles/blogging/anything/at/all then let me know xx

  4. angelsandurchinsblog | 10th Jul 11

    That definitely deserves a ‘whoop, whoop’. Can totally see why you’re so excited. Look forward to reading you over there – and continuing to read you here, of course. Well done!

  5. Geekymummy | 10th Jul 11

    Very cool! I lOve the huffington post, even have the app!

  6. Mari | 8th Jul 11

    Just for the record, Vacca is cow in Italian too, that makes him Dominic Cow but he still makes cool blouses

  7. Lou | 8th Jul 11

    Very interesting and congrats on the Huffpost gig – it may be free but that a big, big gig…… if you need any chicken tips for your articles or fashion advice for stopping wellington burn in summer, don’t hesitate to ask…

  8. Jody Brettkelly | 8th Jul 11

    Very cool – good on you. I really don’t know how you get the time to do all this – you’re a veritable star mama!

  9. Nickie | 7th Jul 11

    Rule of thumb : If you have to ask how much it cost, you probably can’t afford it.
    As it happens, there’s a lot I can’t afford.
    On the other hand, I’m very jealous that you’re writing for the Huff. That’s something I’d love to do!

  10. Mrs Green | 7th Jul 11

    How fantastic for you – well done for being head hunted and enjoy your new writing post 🙂

  11. Suzanne | 7th Jul 11

    Really exciting news Susannah – go girl!

  12. Trish @ Mum's Gone to | 7th Jul 11

    Cow in Spanish! – that’s really schmoozing haha!
    Looking forward to reading your contributions – very exciting news.

  13. Sara | 7th Jul 11

    Can I say how impressed I am. Yes it may be free but it’s a good thing to be part of.

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