This is a message to all parents:
It has come to our attention that head lice are active in the school. Please get off your bottom and check your child’s head.
Do not just take a quick look; this can be misleading, especially in blond or light brown hair.
Go out and spend £1.80 on a proper nit comb, slather in some conditioner (you can pick some up at Tesco for £1) and comb through every inch of your darlings’ locks.
Now treat it. If you refrain from doing this, the children whose parent’s treat this condition properly will be re-infested.
We appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.
The Staff
Georgina | 23rd Oct 13
Totally agree. The summer holidays was bliss as we had two nit-free months. Now they’re back again. Grrr.
Mari | 23rd Oct 13
It’s an ongoing problem and one that fills me with dread every evening when we do reading together … I always find myself scratching after cuddling up close.
Did I see you just scratch your head?
mummytries | 23rd Oct 13
Reading this has brought back some horrible memories from school days… at my first high school there was a girl who never treated her hair and always had them. The rest of us girls were treating our hair on a weekly basis but she never did. We could never understand why and it still baffles me to this day! Just the thought of them now makes me itch 🙁
Magic Mummy | 26th Jun 10
I just had my little bots hair cut really short as I have got sooo sick of doing his hair. At least he looks really cute though lol
mothership | 26th Jun 10
I concur, there are headlice in California. There was a small outbreak at my child’s school but they did send the offending children home and thank GOD my daughter with her waist-length tangly hair did not get them. I’m sure it’s a matter of time, though.
By the way, shouldn’t that read reinfested? I think your Mac is doing predictive text on you again in the hopes that things will go forth and multiply (in this case, skin crawllingly so!) xo | 25th Jun 10
The only solution is to send children home for treatment if they have nits/lice and treat it like any other contagious disease. It will be massively disruptive to parents’ lives but will quite quickly motivate parents to send their children to school nit free. Sounds draconian – but by the end of this summer term we all will have spent a fortune on Nitty Gritty combs, Hedrin, Full Marks etc
Emma | 22nd Jun 10
Oh I dread the day I have to deal with them , but I will.
Vic | 22nd Jun 10
I so did not need the accompanying image!
TB started his new school this week and on the uniform order form they actually sell nit lotion and combs. Nto exactly confidence inspiring.
angelsandurchinsblog | 22nd Jun 10
So bored of nits. The son who most frequently gets them has nit-coloured hair, which doesn’t help. I try, I do, I blitz with chemicals (Dermac better than Hedrin, in my experience) but as soon as we meet up with a particular family (they know who they are…) the nits go a-flying towards my sons’ heads again. Reminds me, must buy one of those Nitty Gritty combs – apparently Jonathan Ross swears by them.
A Modern Mother | 22nd Jun 10
@charlene sorry if we gave them to you
@henrietta come back, come back!
@jen yes I read all about that 😉
@veggie yes I do the same, humiliating
A Modern Mother | 22nd Jun 10
@emmak shaved heads? are you sure this doesn’t have anything to do with David Beckham?
@antonella Hi you! I’ve been there too many time!
A Modern Mother | 22nd Jun 10
@califlorna really? you just burst my bubble!
@nappyvalley boys usually don’t get it, I am told, of course I have no idea if that is true
nappyvalleygirl | 21st Jun 10
We haven’t had nits yet – I am dreading the day. The boys do have little black things that look like sand in their hair – but I happen to know that it IS sand……
Calif Lorna | 21st Jun 10
Yes, we have head lice in California!!!
And we all know exactly where they’re coming from and yet still, we all get the same letter asking us to check 🙂
EmmaK | 21st Jun 10
many kid at my daughter’s school have lice – my kids don’t touch wood. But some parents have even shaved the boys heads as a preventative measure. bit extreme I suppose
Antonella | 21st Jun 10
Been there, done that. What a nightmare! Good luck! A.
charlene | 21st Jun 10
Hmmm….baby head lice look like sand. I’m pretty sure it was just sand. I guess we’ll have another bath this week.
henrietta pretty | 21st Jun 10
No no no! U know how I feel about headlice. I’m running away, god damn you!
Jennifer@alphamummy | 21st Jun 10
I got so sick of combing my daughter’s hair (every couple of days for two months!) that I finally went to an expert for treatment. I was skeptical but I have to say it has freed us from too many late nights with a nit comb and a big bottle of conditioner.
Vegemitevix | 21st Jun 10
Drives me nuts. Every week I have to redo the kids’ hair and worse than that, scour my own!
A Modern Mother | 21st Jun 10
@geeky Ias far as I can tell, there is no head lice in California, I’ve only had the honour of this problem here
@susie sista!
@expat Maybe no head lice in Chicago????
A Modern Mother | 21st Jun 10
@gappy the headband is a good tip, thanks
@if I could escape that’s right!
Expat Mum | 21st Jun 10
But don’t we pay the school nurse to do this??? (Just kidding.)
I can’t believe how lucky we have been with the Queenager’s long hair and the Man-Child’s hair as thick as a toilet brush. However, they say nits don’t like dirty hair. (Or is it the other way round?)
Anyway, I should be more vigilant and I will try harder.
susie | 21st Jun 10
I feel your pain.
geekymummy | 21st Jun 10
YUk! I still recall the first time I got them, at Butlins! Not such a problem here in CA, I don’t think. We will see!
If I Could Escape | 20th Jun 10
Gappy | 20th Jun 10
Nits are a constant problem at my childrens school. To be honest I just use clippers on my boys hair and keep it really short in the summer. For my daughter I find that tying her hair back and using one of those really wide cloth hair bands to cover the front part of her head works to stop her catching them in the first place.
Failing that, those nitty gritty combs are good as they remove the eggs aswell as the nits themselves.
A Modern Mother | 20th Jun 10
@magicmummy Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
@jfb57 Double grrrrrrr!
jfb57 | 20th Jun 10
If I’d been given a £ for every nit letter I had sent out , as Del Boy says on Only Fools ‘I’d be a millionaire now! I think they should text this message out (those schools that have that). Good luck!
Magic Mummy | 20th Jun 10
I couldn’t agree more – I check my two’s hair regularly and often find nits. It annoys me sooo much that I spend time doing this but other parents obviously don’t seeing as they keep coming back!