I don’t remember actually defining our domestic roles, they just sort of evolved; I do everything related to food, and hubby is responsible for rubbish.
My first clue that food would fall under my realm was early on in our relationship when I asked him to make coffee. Keen to impress, he said yes without hesitation and shuffled off to the kitchen.
Ten minutes later and there was still no sign of coffee, just a slightly warm plastic odour. Getting antsy for my morning dose of caffeine, I peeked at the machine and noticed that it was on, but there was no water. Hhhmm, either this was calculated or he was really trying to navigate un-chartered waters.
After that, he stuck to rubbish, which extends to anything I don’t want to deal with; emptying the stinky nappy bin, carrying our overflowing bags of rubbish out on a frosty morning so we don’t miss pickup, trekking to the compost heap at the end of the garden, even in spitting down rain (the indoor container fills up fast).
It also includes dealing with four-legged creatures, like the ones that made the compost heap their four-star winter accommodation, keeping warm and dry in the bottom and burrowing tunnels to the top when they were hungry to munch on things like rotten bananas and decaying melon rind.
Hubby has sterling rubbish credentials. While he was earning his PhD he worked at Wimbledon in the summer for pocket money. One of his responsibilities was clearing up the plastic containers that had previously held someone’s strawberries and cream or Pimms. (He tells me this was the less glamorous part of the job — the best part was spying on players like Boris Becker and Chrissy Evert as he waited patiently for rain so he could help to pull the tarp over the court.)
I think I have the better end of the stick, as my job involves all kinds of nice things, like the smell of baking chocolate wafting through the house on an autumn afternoon, therapeutic vegetable chopping, and dashing out to the garden to get a handful of mint to put in the couscous.
I won’t mention those late-night runs to Tesco when we are out of soft butter and bread to make ham sandwiches for the packed lunches or the constant headache of trying to create a meal out of whatever I can find at the back of the pantry. (Hhmmm, I wonder if they would eat a tin of canelli beans mixed with tuna and what’s left of the giant Costco-sized artichokes and fusili??)
Sexist? Definitely. Do I want to swap? No thanks. I’ll stick with our arrangement. I don’t mind being food, and I really don’t want to be rubbish.
Photo credit: bright
Tricia | 23rd May 09
Many times I run both roles. My husband works second shift and work sends him away for a week every six week. But I do have to say when he is home he does share the roles with me.
Expat Mum | 22nd May 09
I am just SO happy that summer is finally here because the Ball & Chain loves to grill/BBQ which means that he can do the rubbish and the meals. YAY!
Maternal Tales | 22nd May 09
Strangely enough there don’t seem to be any set rules in this house as to who does what – probably because husband is away so often that if I didn’t sort out the rubbish for three whole weeks, it would be even less pleasant for him on his return. Having said that, I did (try) to sort out the re-cycling last night but ended up dropping the glass one and all the bottle sand jars smashed on the pavement and made a complete dangerous mess. Maybe I should have left it to the husband after all. Oh and as for cooking, well he’s French, so he’s much better than me at it anyway!
Rebel Mother | 22nd May 09
In our house all things ‘icky’ Hubby or boys do it; rubbish, mouse removing (pressie left from cat), dead wood pigeon removing (another pressie from cat). Worm-eating is reserved strictly for Olly.
Girls do the ‘la-la’ things, but one thing I would swap is washing their dirty socks and underwear. STINKY! RMx
Iota | 22nd May 09
Ooh Working Mum, I like that idea (although in our house it would result in a weekly diet of pizza, burgers, more pizza, more burgers and hot dogs).
On the subject of rubbish, I couldn’t BELIEVE the size of the wheelie bins when we moved here, and decided that it was definitely a man’s job to manoeuvre them around. But over time, I’ve taken over my share of the role, even if it is like pushing a Mini or a Ka down the front drive. And I am Recycling Queen, so I suppose the role is fairly split now.
working mum | 21st May 09
Same here, I much prefer doing food, although I do get weary of thinking up the meals each week. Now we have a family gathering and everyone makes suggestions for the following week’s menu!
Anne (aka mum-e) | 21st May 09
I’m really enjoying the blog. I noticed you like trying out techy stuff. Have you tried the O2 Joggler yet? They have asked me to get some mums to try it out and you would be perfect. Have a look at what I think about it at my blog http://www.mum-e.co.uk and if you are interested, email me at me@mum-e.co.uk
best wishes,
Anne aka Mum-e
A Modern Mother | 21st May 09
Tim — I assume you are food AND rubbish?
Margarita — I’m with you.
SPD — ha ha
Perfectly Happy — I’ll tell my hubby to be thankful we don’t have a dog!
Casdok — certainly is
Casdok | 21st May 09
Its interesting how these things evolve 🙂
Perfectly Happy Mum | 21st May 09
It is exactly the same here in this household 🙂 Hubby is in charge of all the rubbish gathering and the poo picking (dog poo that is). Although I have had to do lots more poo picking lately, since the weather got better and that I love nothing more than allowing the kids and their mess out in the garden. I’ve had a chat with Mrs Poo Maker, told her that if she was trying to do it just in time for C’s arrival from work, she would get double the amount of treats… Let’s see if she gets the message. Especially if you consider the size of my dog (Old English Mastiff) you imagine the size of the droppings!
SingleParentDad | 21st May 09
Pantries are the future. I heart mine.
And did your husband used to be a Womble?
Margarita | 21st May 09
I totally agree with you. Sometimes I think it would be nice if he cooked food more often, but then again, I don’t want to mow the lawn, take out the trash, or wash the cars. lol
Tim Atkinson | 21st May 09
Wow – you have a pantry! (I’m becoming quite adept at rustling up quick meals from a combination of fridge. freezer and veg rack!)