How are you coping with the snow?

Snow tree

It sure is pretty … but it can be a pain in the bum. The girls have been out of school for THREE WEEKS. There is only so much sledging one can do. I've done the shopping for our elderly neighbours. The ones across the road wanted six cartons of long-life skim milk and Bird's custard mix.  The widow (of the apple man — did you ever read that post?) needed two avocados and organic whole wheat bread. Funny what you learn about people by their shopping list. Speaking of funny, I couldn't help but giggle at an AA truck that got stuck in the snow on our road. Luckily our Abel & Cole driver didn't get stuck — and delivered some fresh veg today. School says it will be open on Monday. I'll believe it when I see it.

How are you coping?


  1. blueskyhi | 12th Jan 10

    Well, I can’t say that I’ve ever suffered with being snowed in but it does look beautiful and a little exciting. If I had it for 3 weeks I think I would refuse to get out of bed! But in my part of the world today’s forecast is for 32C and sea breezes but it will be heating up on Sun with 42C. If you haven’t guessed I’m in Perth Australia where it never goes below 15C (unless we’re have a freakish cold snap).

  2. Jo Middleton | 10th Jan 10

    I am officially BORED of the snow now, and making myself a very unpopular school governor by complaining about the closures every five minutes! – Back to school now please!!

  3. Caroline | 10th Jan 10

    Totally with you on this post, Susanna. Much as the snow is pretty, and indeed very unusual and quite exciting down here in Devon, I just want it all to go away and get back to normal, now!

  4. sandi | 10th Jan 10

    I’m sure the kids have loved it. Our kids have, but I’m ready for them to be back at school. They’re feeling a bit housebound now and bouncing off the walls. Hoping today’s snow stops so our friends can come round for lunch.

  5. Karin @ Cafe Bebe | 10th Jan 10

    Being a native of Wisconsin, USA, I find all this hullabaloo rather amusing! If the state of Wisconsin cancelled school every time it snowed there would never be school! And god forbid- below zero temps?? You don’t say! My only challenge is getting out of our village…the snow just gets driven over again and again thus turning it into a giant ice rink which proves a bit difficult to negotiate. I have enjoyed showing the snow to Little Miss, however and am happy to have had a WHITE CHRISTMAS finally in England! 🙂

  6. Metropolitan Mum | 9th Jan 10

    Why is the school closed again? Has the snow swamped the school? Are the teachers frozen in the playground? Has the heating broken down?
    This is ridiculous. We are only talking about SNOW.

  7. working mum | 9th Jan 10

    I know what you mean about shopping lists. I offered to add my MIL’s shopping to my Tesco delivery (which, of course was cancelled by them so husband has just gone out to get it) and I learned all sorts! Who knew she ate 6 pork pies a week?

  8. A Modern Mother | 9th Jan 10

    Mwa — your schools are in? It would really help if ours were — I feel like we are in some kind of limbo…

  9. A Modern Mother | 9th Jan 10

    Liz- That is scary, many drivers really don’t know how to drive in the snow, and if there is ice they really should have snow socks or chains.
    Nappy — we are all hoping that now snow seems to be a regular thing here that the local councils learns how to deal with it.
    Too Many — If I close my eyes I can imagine going to Trader Joes and picking up some peanutbutter pretzels (sans snow).
    Iota — Actually, three and a bit!

  10. Iota | 9th Jan 10

    Three weeks?!?!

  11. TooManyHats | 9th Jan 10

    I’m enjoying the photos and counting my blessings we never get snow here.

  12. nappyvalleygirl | 8th Jan 10

    Interesting being here in NY; generally, roads are gritted the night before a snowfall and there are no problems. However, there was one day (new year’s eve) when it seemed to take them by surprise and there was no pre-gritting; everyone was sliding and crashing all over the place. I can see that it must be a total nightmare in Britain, where they never bother to grit any but the most major roads.

  13. Mwa | 8th Jan 10

    We stocked up for the blizzard they are saying will come tomorrow. Apart from that I’ve been driving less. They don’t close schools over here, though, so life has been pretty much normal apart from the dirty hallways and wet shoes.

  14. Liz (LivingwithKids) | 8th Jan 10

    Well, I was enjoying it (or enjoying looking at it, at least) when yesterday I was out with the dog and a van driver lost control of his vehicle and missed hitting us by about an inch (scraped the side of my coat) and crashed into a wall. So still love looking at it – but feeling a bit nervous now.

  15. A Modern Mother | 8th Jan 10

    Calif Lorna — have any salt to put in the wound — the UK is fresh out of salt that’s why the roads are so slippy!

  16. Calif Lorna | 8th Jan 10

    I hang my head in shame. I’m wearing flip-flops and yesterday applied suntan lotion for the school run. But I am reading all the reports on the snow and feeling very sorry for you all 🙂

  17. A Modern Mother | 8th Jan 10

    Mommy Time– my brother lives in Michigan, but somehow your councils seem to cope with it better than over here… You would have thought it was the first time people had seen snow.
    Mamma Po — you live on the Isle of Wight?! Lucky girl. Thanks for the tag.

  18. Mamma Po | 8th Jan 10

    Oh and just tagged you – favourite photo meme. Sorry if you’ve already had it…X

  19. Mamma Po | 8th Jan 10

    I’ve gotta say, I’m with Frog In The Field. I love my children passionately but, straight on the back of the Christmas holidays (an already generous 3.5 weeks off school), I am going quietly mad. With my two lil nippers as my constant shadow, I can’t get anything done, I’ve run out of patience and inspiration and, here on the Isle of Wight, the shops are fast running out of food. Arrrgh!

  20. MommyTime | 8th Jan 10

    Last year, we were drowning in the lovely stuff, and this year we have had almost none (I’m in Michigan, US). Finally last night we had a storm that left about 4″ on the ground. Just enough to make everything beautiful and require shoveling, but not enough to prohibit getting around. After two solid weeks of the Christmas/New Year’s holidays, my children were very ready to go back to school, so I can image that three weeks is really sending you down cabin fever road! I send good thoughts for efficient snow plowing over the weekend for your sake.

  21. A Modern Mother | 8th Jan 10

    Part Mummy — Beautiful it is. Just wish they would hire local teachers!
    Frog — I’m soooooo with you on that!

  22. Frog in the Field | 8th Jan 10

    I feel really guilty writing that now, I adore my children, just tired I guess.

  23. Frog in the Field | 8th Jan 10

    Well, I have no neighbours, so no bonding.
    My children have become obsessed with den buidling and Boggle and I’ve had to return to the kitchen to work instead of staying in my office.
    If I’m honest?
    I have cabin fever, I want to scream and run outside taking chocolate, pillows and wine with me, lock my office door and hide for a few days.
    (I have been a stay at home Mum for 15 years, so don’t judge me too harshly)

  24. Part Mummy Part Me | 8th Jan 10

    It’s beautiful, it’s inconvenient and I wish we had a sledge. Am seriously considering sliding down our hill in binbags tomorrow!
    We’ve bonded more with our neighbours – J took one of them shopping the other day, and today we had an offer of a 4×4 tow out of our lane if we need it.
    Did you see the video of the jeep snowboarding that happened in Henley town centre a few nights ago? Check out my blog for a giggle.
    Enjoy the snow 🙂

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