People on the train look at me differently.
I whip out my featherlight silver MacBook Air with tulip pink case and start typing away, using the left side of my brain. All sorts of thoughts pour into the keyboard. I try to stop but my fingers keep going. It's uncontrollable. I'm brilliant.
How does Apply do that?
My massive HP Windows machine just wasn't the same. I was pegged as some sort of 90s IT consultant with a blue shirt and tan trousers. I’m sure the Mac users would look over, shake their disheveled hair, and think you poor girl, if only you knew.
After 20 years of using PCs, I’ve switched. Mainly because I need to do lots of video for work (no, not THAT kind of video).
I am now officially part of the fashion geek tribe. Watch out!
Photo credit: gabrielle marche
peggy | 19th Aug 11
That’s the next planned investment on the list, I have just bought an iMac about a month ago and OMG I love it! I feel so FASHION too! 🙂
MummyMummyMum | 15th Aug 11
Love, love love my macbook air!
Michelloui | The American Resident | 11th Aug 11
Ever since I first sat an an Apple MacIntosh waaaaaaayy back when (when the screen was about 8 inches!) I have loved them and been loyal to them, even through their dark days. I am pushing my macbook to the limit at the moment, I know next year I will need to get a new one and I am crossing my fingers Apple decide to sponsor lovely clever bloggers like myself…
Pedro Franco | 10th Aug 11
I am a planner at CasaDigital, a digital marketing agency in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We are working on a project focused on British consumers, especially young mothers and families.
We researched the biggest and most relevant sites and blogs that speak to this public, studying the possibility of an online promotion or media purchase in the future.
Therefore, I would like to know if you would be available to produce an exclusive blog post to be published, with the due credits, on a website encouraging the consumption of orange juice.
Regardless of your availability to write this post, could you please send me your site’s media kit?
Thank you in advance,
Pedro Franco.
Honest Mum | 8th Aug 11
Well I like your style. There’s nothing like a Mac (especially for cutting film work). V
Lorraine The Party Times | 7th Aug 11
really must get one then sure life will be better!!
Jody Brettkelly | 6th Aug 11
OOH that really makes me want to get a pink cover. Have the Macbook but not the fabulous pink!
Expat Mum | 5th Aug 11
I’ve just got a new MackBook Pro. It’s very sleek, I’ll give you that, but I’m not sure I’m using it to my full potential.
nappyvalleygirl | 5th Aug 11
Amazing the power of a brand, isn’t it? (Although I think Macs are on the whole better). All hail Steve Jobs!
Knackered mother | 5th Aug 11
Welcome to the cult of Apple, you too can now pray at the altar of the Macbook…