My mother is visiting from California. When she is here, we always try to cram in as much as we can. However, our plans to go into London for one of the National Gallery’s children’s programmes were ruined when hubby was turned out to be. (BTW- have your tried the National Gallery programme yet? That’s a whole other post). So we decided to stay home and bake!
First we made our Christmas cake (I cheated and bought the Delia Waitrose pack, which are half price at the moment!). As we were mixing and stiring, my mother asked if I remembered the Christmas we baked cookies for Christmas presents. My family didn’t have loads of money when I was growing up, and there was a time when my father didn’t work (I can appreciate now how stressful that must have been with five little mouthes to feed). My mother told me how my dad used the rest of our food stamps to buy flour, butter, eggs, icing sugar, and spices — and we baked all night.
Sadly, I didn’t remember any of this, though I generally have fond memories of Christmas baking, the smell of cinnamon and cloves filling the hosue.
Here’s my mother helping us to ice our Christmas cake.
And here’s the cake. We’ve already started eating it.
What did you bake for Christmas?
Jody Brettkelly | 4th Jan 12
Oh lovely pics of your Mum and younger baker! I neither baked nor cooked this year. Not sure if this is good planning or incredibly lazy….Happy New Year Susanna, looking forward to visiting your blog loads in 2012!
Family Affairs | 4th Jan 12
My mother came to stay too but she’s not a baker and neither am I. We do fudge – got a family recipe (top secret). Delicious.
Actually mummy... | 29th Dec 11
That is a beautiful cake – I don’t think I could eat it! We made a gingerbread house, and it was difficult to crack it open to eat!
Mari | 24th Dec 11
Nice work! Love those biscuits at the top too.
Here’s a chocolate log we vlogged and woofed down!
Wishing you and your family a very happy Christmas enjoy your mum while she’s here in the UK
Fingers crossed for a brilliant 2012 eh?
xx | 23rd Dec 11
we’re working our way through the special offer chocolate and turning it into cupcakes – you might enjoy these!