There's something about a nice day that makes you want to take it by the hand and roll around in the grass. We spent Sunday evening picnicking in our secret spot on the Thames: a farmer's field perfect for frolicking. It was an impromptu meal made of what I could find – sticky sausages with honey and whole-grain mustard, a crusty loaf, Stilton and salad. I filled a pitcher with Pimms and lemonade, and panicked slightly when I couldn't find any cucumber (we made due with some cut apples and oranges.) Added a sprig of mint from the pot in the garden. Perfect.
As we sipped our Pimms, we suddenly became aware we had front row seats to the evening Mayfly performance. Hundreds of the lacy rail-thin dancers surrounded us, flinging themselves into the air, and then dropping a few inches. They repeated this over and over (either that, or I drank too much Pimms).
The girls had a great time chasing the Mayflies around … and this one landed on Alexandra's arm.
Amazing those little angels only live for a day. Gives more meaning to the phrase carpe diem!
Have you seen the Mayflies yet? Hurry, it's almost June.
Metropolitan Mum | 31st May 12
Didn’t even know that this is what they are called. I tend to spot them later though, towards July or August.
Mammasaurus | 30th May 12
Now now young lady it’s all very well showing us the Mayflies but how about a photo of the Pimms! 😉
Rainbow Prams | 28th May 12
Oh that’s so lovely! Sounds like a perfect family evening. And bless the mayflies, yes it does make you stop and think x | 26th May 12
How utterly lovely. Can’t think of a better way to sepnd an evening.
Babes about Town | 9th Jun 10
This is fabulous, both the picture and the images you’ve painted in my mind. Would love to watch the Mayflies dancing and can think of no better accompaniment than Pimms. It’s the English summer in a glass. My favourite!
Ian | 6th Jun 10
Thank you for the image you generated when you said you had been frolicking in a farmer’s field. Can’t put a price on that.
SeaThreePeeO | 5th Jun 10
Beautiful picture! The Thames meanders lazily through our town. It comes to life with Mayflies for a few days. One of my favourite times of the year.
I am somewhat new to parent blogging and have requested to join BMB.
Nikki x
Leanda | 3rd Jun 10
Hi Susanna
Had Pimms with Champagne at a christening on Sat! Royale I think they call it! Fabulous!
Please can you contact me need to get something on BMB and struggling!
Kind regards
Pants With Names | 1st Jun 10
Now I’m desperate for a glass of Pimms. Really desperate. Sounds lovely.
kelcy | 1st Jun 10
haven’t seen one yet!i envy you for having a great time out with your family. i can sense a picnic date coming this weekend LOL!
muummmmeeeeee...... | 1st Jun 10
One got stuck to the wet frame of the new plunge pool we were putting up in the garden yesterday. Bit crap really. Just 24 hrs on this earth and he nearly spent it watching us lot bickering our heads off. If Meg hadn’t blew it off the pole I imagined it would’ve eventually tried to inch itself into the water and drown itself…
Jus | 30th May 10
Hello… found your blog while browsing… Your picnic sounded yummy… and those mayflies… wow… Sure reminds me to treasure each and every day! 🙂
Rosie Scribble | 29th May 10
They only live for one day? Why on earth didn’t I know that. Better keep them away from the Pimms then!
lisa | 28th May 10
Wow, i’ve never seen a Mayfly (at least that I can recall). Lemonade sounds so good right now. I need to also make some freshly squeezed–although with the cold weather around here lately. Have fun in Paris!
nomorexcuses | 28th May 10
That was a typo, I meant lived for a day. Although I think I prefer I prefer the typo version!
nomorexcuses | 28th May 10
I too am impressed with the photo, especially after the Pimms… sounds lovely. I’m feeling very ignorant, I didn’t know they only loved for a day!
Belgravia Wife sort of | 28th May 10
What a sensational photo – well done ! I’m thrilled you have a secret spot and your impromptu menu sounds just YUM ! xx
Iota | 27th May 10
Mayflies? No. Don’t think they have them in England. Must have been the Pimms. And then you faked the photo evidence afterwards to justify yourself.
Amelia | 27th May 10
no, but it sounds magical (as does the pimms – I’m not drinking for a year as from Jan 1st, and I am gagging for one!!!) :0
nappyvalleygirl | 27th May 10
Not sure there are mayflies here, but I’m looking forward to the return of the fireflies in June!
We had Pimms last night too. Mmm.
Chic Mama | 27th May 10
We haven’t seen them yet, they usually bang on the windows in the evening. That’s a beautiful picture that you took though.
MommyTime | 27th May 10
I think perhaps we do not have mayflies here. They are lovely. And Pimms and lemonade…ah, reminds me of my summer in England…delicious!
Mwa | 27th May 10
Mmm Pimms…
A Modern Mother | 27th May 10
@mtjam I surpise myself sometimes as well
A Modern Mother | 27th May 10
@josie go find thee a river!
MTJAM | 27th May 10
What a great photo – I assumed you’d borrowed it from somewhere, so I’m very impressed you took it yourself!
Josie @Sleep is for the Weak | 27th May 10
No I haven’t! But I want to now though, what a lovely image!