OK, this is proof it has to stop.
Last night I woke up around 3 am. The sheets were damp. My heart was racing. It was all so real.
My worry? I had a blog somewhere that I needed to update. I just couldn't find it. I couldn't remember what clever name I had christened it. Tired Mummies? No. Mummies on the run? No. Mums on Medicine? No. No. No.
Oh, where was it? I knew it must be in need of a new post and it must be time to respond to comments. Where, where, where?
I often have these kinds of nightmares. When I was at University, I waited on tables to help pay my way. Then I used to have waitress nightmares – my whole section was seated at the same time and they all ordered teas and soup. It also included loads of tables with small children and frantic mothers asking for something for the kids and I had to explain that we had run out of saltine crackers.
So what am I doing today? Thinking of launching three more blogs … Perhaps I'll take the girls swimming instead.
Photo credit: Thomas Hawk
Around the Blogs 18/02/09 | Bambino Goodies | 13th Jan 14
[…] Modern Mother has nightmares about not updating her blog showing that mums do worry about plenty of other […]
Joanne | 2nd Mar 09
three more? how do you have the time? I’m struggling with one (and four children)
Dulwich Divorcee | 23rd Feb 09
Hope you went for that swim, Susanna. Thanks for all your hard work from a very slothful blogger who benefits from all your good ideas! x
Felicia - I Complete Me | 20th Feb 09
I only have one blog and I have those dreams as well. I’m considering launching another one as well, but I think I’m going to wait on that.
treemama | 19th Feb 09
ummmm. take the kids swimming instead.
i still have dreams where i haven’t finished my homework or ditched school.
i’m almost 37 so i don’t even want to know what that means!
i’ve been running downstairs in the middle of the night saving brief snippets to blog about later.
seems it’s all or nothin’.
Iota | 18th Feb 09
Are you a real person, or have they invented a clever cyber-machine that can surf the blogosphere, and create its own blog from the material it finds? Are you malfunctioning, switching into over-drive, and creating more and more blogs till you’ll explode?
Just wondering.
Working Mum | 18th Feb 09
Oh no, blog overload! I don’t have problems posting stuff – I’m full of drivel – but I’ve subscribed to so many blogs now I can’t keep up with all the reading!
Tara@Sticky Fingers | 18th Feb 09
This blogging malarky just takes over doesn’t it.
I hate it when I feel like I’ve let someone down. I know a couple of bloggers who have had to take an enforced break because they just never saw the light of day, just the dull light of the computer screen – even when they closed their eyes!
Just a Plane Ride Away | 17th Feb 09
Oh dear! That is like the “I have a final and haven’t studied nightmare”!!
Three more blogs? You amaze me.
Homeofficemum | 17th Feb 09
That one hasn’t happened yet but I had my first yacht race nightmare last night. I’d forgotten my passport and had to swim back to get it.
Liz@VioletPosy | 17th Feb 09
Bless you, take a blog holiday for a week – we’re not going anywhere 🙂
More than Just a Mother | 17th Feb 09
I’m too tired to dream any more
Sass E-mum | 17th Feb 09
I used to have ‘receptionist’ dreams where everyone babbled and mumbled…
Now I sleep. Deep, deep sleep.
Potty Mummy | 17th Feb 09
What about the insomnia when you lie awake at 3am thinking; ‘I haven’t posted today. I’d better do it tomorrow, but what the hell am I going to write about? Oh god, I’ve lost my creativity. Wait a moment – I can post about THAT. Saved…’
There is no hope for me, is there?
A Modern Mother (Susanna) | 17th Feb 09
Oh yes, it’s coming…
Maria @ Residual Income Web | 17th Feb 09
That is too funny! I haven’t had a blog nightmare yet … but there’s still time.