I’m giving up plastic bags for the Baglady, please pass it on…

The Rubbish Diet asked me to take a pledge to help the environment. She is one of the first bloggers I met in person, and she’s really cool. My pledge is really simple, to stop using plastic bags and replace them with reuseables.

Can you take a pledge too, and then pass it around the globe virtually?




  1. Helloitsgemma | 18th Jan 11

    I think this is a great idea. I’ve been doing it a while. I work most of the week so get food delivered. It makes me scream the number of bags they use when delivering. I am skeptical that they reuse them when returned.

  2. Lauren Jackson | 14th Jan 11

    I the same too. I want to give using plastic bags, but I’m never organised enough to bring my own bags. I need to start remembering. Let’s hope the bag lady acts as mine and everyone’s reminder.

  3. Karen@therubbishdiet | 9th Jan 11

    Brilliant. thanks Susanna. I detect a recurring theme, lol, so wish you lots of luck ;0) Karen x

  4. Mrs Green | 9th Jan 11

    Great pledge – good luck with that. Helen, it does take a certain amount of organisation but you might be able to work out a way that works for you. For us we have a box by the front door which contains reusable bags and containers – so basically I have to trip over it before I get to the car. Also, those Onya bags – the ones that fold up inside themselves are good because you can leave a couple clipped to your house keys or on your handbag permanently, so they are always with you. HTH

  5. Helen | 7th Jan 11

    I’ve been trying to do this for years but, it requires a degree of organisation that has just passed me by. I always remember my reusable bags just as I’m going through the checkout!

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