So …. I went to this blogger event in London. Traffic was bad and I arrived about an hour late. As I walked up to the Georgian House, I reached into the caverns of my bag in search of a mint. Rummaging around I found, oh, what’s that? A gumi bear? Ouch! What the blank is that? I pulled out the name badge from the last blogger event.
Thank God some nice person handed me a steaming cup of coffee as soon as I arrived. I was just getting my barrings when I turned round to stare straight down at a waif of a woman with a big smile and equally big blond tresses. She said hello. This woman looked way too finished to be a mum blogger. Then the light went off.
OMG, you’re Annabel Karmel! I blurted out. I remembered something about her in the email from the PR agency, and wished I had actually read the brief. It must be her, she looked exactly like the little photo in the back of all those cook books. Only smaller. Tiny. Like Minnie Mouse, with blond hair. My mouth felt dry.
ANNABEL KARMEL. For those of you who don’t know, she’s an icon in mummy world. When my girls were babies, you HAD to have Feeding Your Baby And Toddler, along with a Mamas and Papas pram and a Baby Bjorn carrier. I’m convinced my oldest will eat almost anything because I had a freezer full of Annabel-inspired homemade purees like sweet potato, carrot and broccoli and apricot and semolina. “You’re small,” was all I could manage to eek out.
The poor woman must be used to tongue-tied middle-aged mums blurting out the obvious. “Not small — Petite,” and then Annabel took my hand and led me over to the Aga and said we were going to make Buzzy Bees. OMG, I thought I had died and gone to kids cookery heaven. I felt like I was about to jump into one of her toddler cook books, and navigate our way around mini pizzas, heart shaped chicken nuggets and jelly boats (I’ve done them all).
I immediately thought of my lipstick, and how by the end of the morning and after all that coffee it was probably faded (why I thought Annabel Karmel would care about my lipstick is beyond me). Annabel showed me a sample of what we were going to make. Basically a bee shape made out of crushed Shreddies. I mumbled something about how my girls would Iove these, and then just stood there awkwardly. Annabel handed me Shreddies in a zip lock bag and a rolling pin. I took the bag, still in my self-induced trance. We both smiled. Then it dawned on me. You idiot she wants YOU to crush the Shreddies with the rolling pin.
So, aided by Sally, we melted butter, mini marshmallows and peanut butter. I don’t think Sally was in the same trance I was in. The result was a sticky goo that could be used by the country’s best builders. We formed them into little balls, put on two Shreddies for wings, then used black and yellow icing to make stripes. And that’s how I made Buzzy Bees with Annabel Karmel. I made it back in time for school pickup and told anyone who would listen that I just met ANNABEL KARMEL, as really only those at the school gate would understand the significance.
When we finally got home, and I passed our hall mirror, I realised how silly it was for me to be worried about my lipstick. In the rush to get the girls to school and out the door, I had actually forgotten to put on ANY makeup. Nothing. Nada. Not a shreddie. Oh well, you look at the photo and let me know what you think. Did I look OK?
Shreddies Buzzy Bees
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooling time: 20 minutes
Makes: 8 bees = 4 servings
Per serving of two bees with fruit 134 kcal 7% GDA) 1.9g fat (3% GDA) 0.6g saturates (3% GDA) 18.4 sugars (22% GDA) 0.1g salt (3% GDA) Wholegrain servings: ½ serving
40g Shreddies
25g mini marshmallows
1 tsp smooth peanut butter (you can leave this out if anyone has allergies)
Half tsp of butter
To decorate 16 Shreddies for wings 20g black writing icing for the strips 10g yellow writing icing for the strips Fruit 2 clementines cut into slices 4 strawberries cut into slices 1 large kiwi fruit, peeled and cut into slices
1. Put the Shreddies into a freezer bag and crush them using a rolling pin. Put the marshmallows, peanut butter and butter in a small saucepan and melt, stirring over a medium low heat (be a bit patient here!). Tip in the Shreddies and mix together.
2. Divide into 8 portions and shape into balls with one end slightly flatter and wider. Whilst the mixture is still warm, insert the wings by making a small hole with a knife and pressing in one whole Shreddies for each wing. Stick the bee bodies on the end of a wooden stick.
3. Leave to cool and firm up.
4. Finally draw eyes with the black writing icing and make bee stripes using the black and yellow writing icing.
5. Serve the Shreddies Buzzy Bees standing up in a glass with fruit on sticks such as slices of clementines, strawberries and kiwi.
lacoste shirts | 7th Jul 10
Life is sweet?The grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
A Modern Mother | 6th Mar 10
OMG, did Annabel Karmel just comment on my blog?! I am in kids cookery heaven.
Metropolitan Mum | 5th Mar 10
Now I am really gutted I didn’t make it. Little L would have had a blast putting her little chubby fingers into the various pots and jars. She’s started to be a bit of a handful recently. Why did nobody tell me that she’d want to crawl and cruise ALL of the time once she’d got the hang of it???
In reply to your question what I did: I read the whole Times. And the FT magazine from the weekend issue. And today I got a haircut. I am turning into a normal person again, yay!!
geekymummy | 5th Mar 10
Oh, those are so cute. I can’t get shreddies herein the US though. Maybe Chex will do?!
Calif Lorna | 4th Mar 10
I’m so glad the days of having a freezer full of broccoli ice cube trays are over! I did have the Annabel Karmel book but not the bjorn baby carrier thing.
Looks like you had a great fun – British Mummy Bloggers get to do such cool stuff!
A Modern Mother | 4th Mar 10
@toomany made them TWICE already! The “goo” ends up being a bit like sandy/crunchy/ediible playdough — and they’ve been making all kinds of shapes.
Annabel Karmel | 4th Mar 10
Ah what a lovely blog and so happy you enjoyed making the Buzzy Bees. I thought you were a fab cook but maybe next time you will put the coffee cup down as its generally easier to cook with two hands ! It was really nice to meet you and some of the other lovely mummy bloggers and have just spoken to Sian and didnt realise you two were such good friends (isnt she lovely) I think you are organising a Cyber Mummy Bloggers conference in July which is such a brilliant idea. Would definitely like to come to that and meet all you fab mummy bloggers. If you are ever stuck for a recipe let me know as am always keen to get people to test some of my new recipes ! Annabel x
TooManyHats | 4th Mar 10
How fun! If that’s you without make-up, I am jealous. Have you made the Buzzy Bees with the girls yet?
A Modern Mother | 4th Mar 10
@iota as the girls got older, I used her books more in a sort of “art project” way. As I type this, they are decorating buzzy bees. Actually I ran out of shreddies for the wings so they put on cherrios as ears and called them mice instead. I don’t have the time to cook like this everyday, but it is fun to do this kind of stuff as a treat.
Iota | 4th Mar 10
But I’m glad you had a fun time… Sorry, should have said that.
Iota | 4th Mar 10
Sally – does your breast always look like a teapot? Poor you.
Annabel Karmel didn’t do it for me, ‘fraid to say. I think she led a whole generation of mothers to believe that getting their toddlers to eat healthily was simply a matter of good cooking, and good presentation: smiley faces on pizzas, animal shapes on sandwiches. So a whole generation of mothers felt inadequate as they slowly realised that actually, toddlers are pre-programmed to avoid anything that their mothers want them to eat, beautifully cooked, well presented or otherwise.
The same with her baby food. Banana and courgette puree, I seem to remember, was one thing that she promised ALL babies would adore. Have to take issue with her on that one.
She did redeem herself in my eyes with instructions on how to make a party piece crocodile: a cucumber with a mouth cut out with zigzaggy teeth, olives for eyes, and then prickles down the back made of nibbly things on cocktail sticks. I photocopied that, and then sold her book on ebay with a sigh of guilt-releasing relief.
A Modern Mother | 4th Mar 10
@liz doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.
@nappy we’ve made them TWICE since,the girls love them. Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
nappyvalleygirl | 4th Mar 10
Annabel Karmel – now that is celebrity in the world of parents. I used her books for all my weaning recipes. How very exciting!
The Shreddie Bees though – they sound too much like hard work! My worry would be that if children get too used to eating stuff like that, they won’t eat normal food…..
Liz (LivingwithKids) | 4th Mar 10
They look really cool! Still can’t believe you were all literally *this close* to my house and I didn’t even know. Spooky.
A Modern Mother | 4th Mar 10
@sandi yes, petite is the word I should have used!
sandi | 4th Mar 10
That looks so fun! I met her once at the children’s food fair last summer. Nice and very petite. I must check the funny AK post above too.
susie | 4th Mar 10
So cool that you got to meet her!
A Modern Mother | 4th Mar 10
@emma it fun!
@sally I hope no one googles that
@nixdminx I was going to say something about your hair, but we were too busy talking about wind
nixdminx | 4th Mar 10
oh complete tosh Susanna – you looked fab, but I also noticed I had not had time to do my hair! I look like a freak in the photos – oh the shock, the scandal!!! I thought it was a brilliant day and it was great to get some much free nutrition advice from some real experts… Lesley liked my veg recipes, so I feel superdoops plus Miniminx loves Cheerios xx
Sally | 4th Mar 10
That’s so funny.
The first thing I said to Zoe Ball wasn’t “hello” or “nice to meet you”. No, it was: “You’re really tall.”
I like that on the right hand side of that photo, my right breast is just visible. Oh yes. My breast is in a photo with Annabel Karmel. Which sounds a bit dodgy, put like that.
Emma | 4th Mar 10
Those look yummy! I would of been totally starstruck just meeting Annabel Karmel like that! I was so annoyed that I arrived late at The Baby Show and missed her! It sounds like and you look like you had lots of fun! 🙂
A Modern Mother | 4th Mar 10
@britinbosnia oh yes she is! The recipes will be up on and there is a nice one for fishcakes and also kebabs. Oh, and the fruity muffin one is really good.
Brit In Bosnia | 4th Mar 10
Really? British? She can’t be British. She looks too American! What else did you make – any you particularly recommend for fussy eaters??? So jealous of you all.
A Modern Mother | 4th Mar 10
@britinbosnia we made those too! She is really popular in America, and I wasn’t sure which country she was from. But her accent made it clear: British.
Brit In Bosnia | 4th Mar 10
Don’t know what I’d do without Annabel. Her recipe books are in constant use in our kitchen. The old chicken and apple balls have been the only thing that both my children will eat for a long time. Lucky you, sounds like you all had the best time!
A Modern Mother | 4th Mar 10
@nat nice to meet you! It goes to show you what’s important in my world, unfortunaltey I wouldn’t recognise many actors.
Nat | 4th Mar 10
Well you looked fabulous, so you don’t need to worry! Really enjoyed meeting you in person, it’s funny I normally get a bit star struck, but for some reason I didn’t. I think mainly I place singers/actor higher on the pedestal!
Eliza ate about 6 of the bees!