The BritMums parent blogging community is coming togther today for a day of protest about the situation in Syria.
Spearheaded by Liz from A Mum Blog and Justine from The Potty Diaries, the idea is to use our collective voice to be heard and make a difference.
Liz writes,
"As parents, it is impossible not to be affected by the reports of the full horror of the Houla massacre. This is from Wednesday's Times:
'The children of Houla were not killed by random shelling. The UN yesterday revealed that they were murdered one by one. The militia came in the night armed with knives and guns, and the young victims were executed with a bullet to the head or a knife to the throat.
One photograph shows a cherubic baby girl, no older than 2, with a tiny gold ear-stud. She is wrapped in a white shroud. Half her skull has been hacked or blown away. A saucer of bone juts from a bloody gash in what remains of her head. (The full article was in the The Times on Wednesday, when they took down the pay wall so everyone could read it)."
What you can do to help: (thanks Christine for this list)
Your voice matters. It's better to do something than nothing.
Rainbow Prams | 7th Jun 12
omg this just breaks my heart, how and why is this allowed to happen??? I have Fb’d it and tweeted xx
Ali Clark | 5th Jun 12
It is hideous there, I just can’t imagine what life is like for all those innocent people caught up in the struggle. It makes all my moans and complaints seem completely ridiculous.
Jody Brettkelly | 4th Jun 12
20 years ago (was it that many?) I travelled in the Middle East by myself for five months (though of course you are never alone when traveling) and the people in Syria even then seemed more besieged and silenced than in other countries and they had public hangings in the Square. The situation there now is just horrendous.