Now that the silly season is in full swing, here’s ten things you should not say to your local mummy blogger at the neighborhood Christmas bash… 1. “I didn’t know you were into archeology.” 2. “What do you do in your spare time?” 3. “Why don’t you just keep a journal?” 4. …
So, the other day at coffee, I brought up my mummy blog. I might as well been speaking Slovenian. Non capiche. What’s a mummy blog?” asked one of the mums, a particularly chummy friend of mine who loves veg patches as much as I do. “It’s a place where mums can …
I never really thought much about my body, I mean what went on inside my body, until I got the phone call. I’ve learned since to appreciate the intricate patchwork of organs and hormones and neurons all connected in a delicate balance and tucked away nicely under your skin, so you don’t …
It is only now that I am sitting down with a giant Kath Kidston mug of fresh ground Lavazza coffee with lots of steaming milk can I write about this. I can feel the stress levels lower with each sip.
Big picture, think picture.
About ten minutes ago I could have torn apart anything that was in my path, including my poor husband, who was going about his own business quietly.
It was a particularly hectic morning, the girls were still suffering from PNPS (Post Nativity Play Syndrome) — similar to PMS, but for kids, and only during Christmas.
Oh no. A sign on the door.
I dreaded these notices more than staying at Scottish grandma's in the winter, where once it was so cold I could actually see my breath escape from my mouth. Scottish grandma has a miniature wooden Swiss chalet on her fireplace mantle, a memento we had brought back from a skiing holiday, and it kindly reminded me of the temperature. Forty-two friggin' degrees. Fahrenheit. Inside the house.
We have had several cases of headlice recently – please check your child’s hair diligently.
The Best of the Mommy Bloggers Carnival is up at a Daily Dose of Toni. Go check it out, it contains a mix of hilarious and heart-wrenching stories from the trenches of motherhood. So what are you waiting for … live vicariously and be glad you are having a humdrum day… …
It’s December 1st which means that on the way home from school today Emily asked why she didn’t have an Advent calendar. But you do honey, I said. California Grandma sent us a nice one with Baby Jesus, Joseph and Mary, the three wise men, the whole cast from the nativity play. …
It was not supposed to be like this, I thought to myself as I entered the three story cement underground car park. This pregnancy was supposed to be OK. Emily had been slightly early, but Alexandra had come into this world without a hitch. I had even given away my …