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Never Say Never 3D European Premiere and our 60 seconds with Justin Bieber

 Justin bieber Never Say Never European Premiere high five 
Yesterday was a bit surreal. Paramount Pictures invited us to the European premiere of Never Say Never 3D, the biopic film of Justin Bieber's rise to fame from ordinary kid to You Tube star to selling out Madison Square Gardens.What's refreshing about Bieber is he is not a Disney/Nickelodeon manufactured creation. He is social media success story, using YouTube and Twitter to develop a loyal fan base that fuelled his explosive rise to stardom.

It's hard to describe exactly how loyal his fans are. When we arrived at the O2 the line of excited teens clad in purple already snaked around the corner. I Heart JB signs were everywhere. As we had a coffee in Starbucks, two girls that couldn't have been older than my babysitter, saw our press passes and asked if I could Pleeeaze help them meet Justin. We love him.

Love Story on Stage Review


Love-Story-064_150x150Where shall I begin? I first saw Love Story when I was about 10. It flickered on our 12-inch black and white Sony TV, while I snuggled warmly into our worn honey-coloured sofa. I felt very grown up. My parents let me stay up to 11 pm to watch the end, having previously debated whether or not I was too young for the content (plot spoiler: the main character dies of leukaemia). By the end of the evening, I remember hiding my face behind a cushion, trying very hard not to let my older brothers see my tears. I think that was the first time I had such a strong emotional reaction to a film.

The Christmas Lectures: It’s hard not to be interested in science when…

Disclosure: we got free tickets to see this event. Wow. I can tell the Royal Institution’s Christmas Lectures made a lasting impression on my nearly eight-year-old daughter. They made a lasting impression on me. And my husband. Syringes armed with harmful histamines, seeds seeped with deadly nerve poisons: Who knew plants were …