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BritMums Live 2012

Behind the scenes at BritMums Live!

Blogers waiting to get inMany of you know that I’m the founder of BritMums, the UK’s largest parent blogging community with nearly 4,000 members that represent more than 7,000 blogs with a reach of nearly 20 million page views a month.

More than 500 people flooded The Brewery in London on June 22 and 23, 2012, for BritMums Live!, the biggest parent blogger conference in the UK. Ruby Wax kicked things off with a frank and funny discussion of her depression and her online community Black Dog Tribe. From there we had blogger roundtable discussions, workshops, the Brilliance in Blogging party and awards, Sarah Brown, Cherry Healey, the Bloggers’ Keynote, social networking training, advice on charitable fund raising and awareness, fruity drinks, style sessions, film sneak peeks, pedicures, vacuuming (!), photobooths and much much more.