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Term Breaks

Kids bored this summer? Try these tried and tested recommendations

  Summer is always a challenge with kids. Lack of routine, changeable weather and lots of free time can take its toll. Sure there are lots of places to go, but many are expensive and it can be hit and miss finding a winner. Recommendations are always appreciated. When first contacted me …

My summer hols


Not sure where the summer holidays went. I know they were here somewhere. I just put them down just over there…

Ah, here they are. I can't believe they are nearly over! What have I done with my six weeks? Well, let me tell you. There was the…

Day three of half term. Just shoot me.

Just shoot me now I knew when the phone rang it would be bad news.

It's half term. The girls are home 24 by 7. After a morning of noughts and crosses and making everyone we knew a birthday card, I needed a break. I told them to play amongst themselves while mummy washed her hair. I pointed at the toy box and then locked the front door to make sure no one escaped.

After five minutes in the shower (OK, more like ten), and another five drying, I emerged refreshed and ready to face the rest of half term. But my just-blown hair wilted when I saw the war zone living room: Operation parts mixed with puzzle pieces; Twister with unusal Mr. Potato Head constructions in each coloured circle; a pile of pick-up sticks and an entire box of dominoes. Oh, aren't my little darlings creative. No worries, I'll clean it up while they are at tennis camp.

The Stonor walk

When I was dating future Scottish hubby, he took me on this walk. I was in the UK on a quick weekend stop over between Boston and San Francisco. I’m sure we must have slept late, then gone out for the papers to read with our frothed coffees and buttered toast. …

I think this half term was a huge success

Half term is over, and we had no trips to A&E. I consider this a huge success.

One year I had to deal with a two-year-old who got her finger nail ripped off when it got slammed in the door (her sister swears she didn’t do it) AND a three-year-old who broke her arm climbing out of her cot.

In the UK, kids seem to have time off from school every few weeks. I’m lucky as my children go to state schools. It’s worse at the fee-paying schools. The more you pay for your child’s education here, the more time off they get off school (I guess it comes in handy if you have a chalet in Chamonix and want to get full use of it).