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Social Media

Expat conversations at Tesco’s Fresh & Easy

Tesco’s Fresh & Easy has been in the news lately, having failed to capture the US market. Some say the Tesco formula just didn’t translate. I found myself there recently, in search of mint sauce. After passing through the produce section, and stocking up on Peeps from the Easter display, I finally …

My name is Susanna and I’m addicted to the Internet

My name is Susanna and I’m addicted to the Internet. Well, not really, at least that it what I would like to believe. How do I know? I took the Net Addiction Center’s Internet Addiction Test (IAT), and it turns out that I’m an average online user. *Wipes brow* Though …

This made my day!

I logged on to email this morning to find this in my inbox from the Shiny, Shiny site: 10 inspiring female online entrepeneurs There's Arianna Huffington, Martha Lane Fox, Caterina Fake (of Flickr), Sheryl Sandberg (of Facebook) and at number 9… Susanna Scott, Blogger and Founder of BritMums Susanna Scott is a …

If I were a cool mum…

If I were a cool mum, and having my first child all over again, I would DEFINITELY get one of those Bugaboo buggies — those trendy go everywhere contraptions that make pushing a baby around seem easy. The sad reality is after the initial “shock and shop” that happened with our …