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Mummy Blogging

On making Buzzy Bees with Annabel Karmel

So …. I went to this blogger event in London. Traffic was bad and I arrived about an hour late. As I walked up to the Georgian House, I reached into the caverns of my bag in search of a mint. Rummaging around I found, oh, what’s that? A gumi bear? Ouch! What the blank is that? I pulled out …

Why you won’t get rich by mum blogging

Pound coins for blogging! (2) My friend Liz sent an interesting article my way … one by The Brazen Careerist about being realistic about making money from your blog.

Before you head over there to read that (excellent) post, let me set you straight right now: THERE IS NO REAL MONEY IN MUMMY BLOGGING.

Let me rephrase that in case you blinked or didn't understand my accent: If you choose to turn your mummy blog into a commercial enterprise, you will earn, hold on to your hats ladies, upwards of couple grand a year. Gasp.

Want to be treated like a top blogger? Act like one.

Top bloggerI've observed popular bloggers for a while now. You know the ones I mean, the ones you constantly go back and read, over and over. They all have certain traits — a special quality that makes them that little bit different. It's hard to put your finger on exactly what it is. You just LIKE THEM. ADMIRE THEM. Would consider leaving your husband for them.

Why? Who knows. But this stuff will help:

1. Write really good posts. I'll let you define what "good" means.

2. Be polite. Manners count online too. 

3. Be an active part of a community. Comment. Be involved. Know when to stay OUT of a conversation.

4. Think before you press publish. Sometimes words can be taken the wrong way.

5. Don't think before you press publish. Sometimes your best posts come straight from the heart.

Is being a good writer enough?

Good writer I first thought about this in relation to blogging thanks to Jen at Alpha Mummy.  She had just been to Blogher and Megan from Velveteen Mind had posed the question. Anyway, it's been bouncing around in my mind for a little while now and has been itching to come out…

Is being a good writer enough anymore?

If you don't care about readers, comments, and community – the kind of stuff that rattles around in my mind– stop reading this post RIGHT NOW. It will just annoy you. Then you will annoy me by writing some sort of "anti post" that is not "meant to be interpreted as an attack" (BTW – if you have to say that it obviously is). Just humour me and go somewhere else. Thanks.

The state of British Mummy Blogging 2009 and predictions for 2010

Bb3[1] Last year I wrote a post about mummy blogging just starting to take off in the the UK. I had just created British Mummy Bloggers and frankly I struggled to come up with a list of 100 UK parent bloggers.

Now there are 800+ British Mummy Bloggers members and my inbox is so full of PR pitches I've had to open a new account.

So what happened in year? Mummy bloggers are hot. No, we aren't all running temperatures with swine flu. We're a hot commodity. I spoke with one PR firm yesterday that said they are ditching celebs for the "reality" factor that mum bloggers carry. Now don't go quoting this out of context. What I mean is that right now mummy bloggers are trendy. Who knows how long the trend will last — but given what has happened across the pond, my money is on the longer term.

Want to know what a bunch of mum bloggers look like?

Not bad, actually. A bunch of us got together this weekend at the London Zoo. It rained. It rained really hard. It was cold. But the atmosphere inside was buzzing and we had a fab time. It was nice to meet so many online personalities. We really are an eclectic group.  …

Will the next election be won at the schoolgate?

A few mummy bloggers (me, Alpha Mummy, Potty Mummy, NixdMinx, and Karen from The Rubbish Diet) will be chatting today about our take on David Cameron's appearance on Mumsnet. So if you have a few spare minutes before school pickup, and want to add your two cents, head on over the Times' Alpha Mummy blog and let 'er rip. …

British Mummy Blogger photo shoot for Red Magazine

It’s tough promoting British mummy blogging. I had to go into London today for a Red Magazine photo shoot for a feature they are doing about my British Mummy Blogger network. Such hard work. There were six (!) people there to fawn over us — they did our make-up, fluffed our hair, dressed …