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The Best of British Mumosphere — The First Blogging Carnival of 2010

BMB carnivalI love blogging carnivals. Besides being loads of fun, they are a chance to visit old friends and meet new ones. What I didn't know is that they are also an endurance test — to see if you can read 50 blog posts in 24 hours (part of the fun is that everyone sends in their entries at the 11th hour). I survived! And here's a snapshot of the best of British mumosphere…

Liz from Living with Kids is going on a diet: New Year, new diet (and no more leftovers).

Rosie Scribble writes about Blogging, taboo topics and the issue of self-disclosure.

Tim (Bringing Up Charlie) give us his ten best of 2009.

Jen at Alpha Mummy lets us in on a secret — she doesn't like some of her friends' kids.

Happy Birthday to you, British Mummy Blogger Carnival!

The BMB Carnival is now hosted here.

Our little blogging carnival is now one! How quickly we have grown. The past 25 carnivals have featured more than 750 posts from over a hundred bloggers. Wow. That's a lot of whinging.

The official info is below. I've moved the carnival to A Modern Mother. Please note we're always looking for new hosts, email me at amodernmother (at) gmail (dot) com to sign up. Being inundated with 50 emails 24 hours before a carnival is quite an exhilerating experience one should do miss!

A carnival is a blogging event and "The Best of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival" takes place every two weeks and highlights the best posts from the British mummy blogging community.

Best of the mommy bloggers carnival…

It's carnival time and I'm indulging in my "mommy" side. Is there a difference between mums and moms? I'm both. Apart from the accents and a preference for Cadbury's over Hershey's – I'm happy to report there are more similarities than differences. The "best of" mommy carnival highlights is up over …

The state of British mummy blogging and the best ones of 2008!

So, the other day at coffee, I brought up my mummy blog. I might as well been speaking Slovenian. Non capiche. What’s a mummy blog?” asked one of the mums, a particularly chummy friend of mine who loves veg patches as much as I do. “It’s a place where mums can …

Best of the Mommy Bloggers Carnival

The Best of the Mommy Bloggers Carnival is up at a Daily Dose of Toni. Go check it out, it contains a mix of hilarious and heart-wrenching stories from the trenches of motherhood. So what are you waiting for … live vicariously and be glad you are having a humdrum day… …

Is blogging dead? Not on this side of the pond!

Twitter First, the Best of the Mommy Bloggers is up on Under the Big Blue Sky.

Check it out, it’s an eclectic mix of stories from the trenches of motherhood.

Second, I read something the other day that is really bugging me.

Is blogging dead?

The debate is raging in blogosphere. Some prominent bloggers have decided to “retire” because, to sum it up, now that blogging has reached mainstream in the US, it’s not cool anymore.

Microblogging, such as Twitter, is now the “in” thing.

The Best of the Mommy Bloggers Carnival: vote for your favourite!

Best of the mommy bloggers Welcome to the first edition of the Best of the Mommy Bloggers Carnival! This carnival highlights posts from the best of the mommy blogger community. 

Bloggers were asked to send in their "best post ever" — either in terms of page views, comments, or what each blogger felt was their personal best.

You can tell I am a victim of "mommy rot" as I picked the date of the US presidential election for our carnival debut. Ooopps.

The Best of the Mommy Bloggers Carnival call for hosts and posts

A carnival is a blogging event and "The Best of the Mommy Bloggers Carnival" takes place every two weeks and features recent posts from the cream of the mommy blogger community.

This is how it works: every two weeks a different mommy blogger “hosts” the carnival. The blogger community submits their best post from the past month — this could be your most popular post, something that has done well on StumbleUpon or Digg, or one of which you are particularly proud.

The rules are one post per blogger and it must be something written in the past four weeks.

The host blogger then compiles the carnival. Check out the ones below for examples.